Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Brief Job Description: The individual is responsible for care and maintenance of
nursery and garden, undertaking different plant propagation methods,
designing of garden components, maintenance of lawn, monitoring the day to
day growth of the plants in a garden and nursery, working in greenhouse,
ensuring proper nutrition to plants, checking for any infested plants and
planting new saplings Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course

Personal Attributes: The individual should be able to work independently and
must have ability to make operational decision pertaining to his/her area of
work. The individual should have clarity and should be result oriented. S/he
should have decent communication skills, a basic knowledge in nursery
practices and must possess physical stamina to work for long hours. Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar
businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the
economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.
Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the characteristics
and interest
Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of functions
in an industry.
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the sector,
occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person or a group
of persons. Functions are identified through analysis and form the basis of OS.
Job Role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
employment opportunity in an organization.
OS OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when
carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and
understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. Occupational
Standards are applicable both in the Indian and global contexts.
Performance Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course

Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard of
performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian context.
Qualifications Pack Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
qualifications pack.
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the educational,
training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A Qualifications
Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Unit Code Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard , which is
denoted by an ‘N’
Unit Title Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be
able to do.
Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful
to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS
they are looking for.
Knowledge and
Understanding Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course

Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the
technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that an
individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Context Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured and
how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have
of their relevant areas of responsibility.
Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish specific
designated responsibilities Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Courses
Core Skills or
Generic Skills
Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning and
working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work
environment. In the context of the OS, these include communication related
skills that are applicable to most job roles Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
To be competent, the individual must be able to:
PC1. identify plants and their varieties, the right areas to place them in the nursery
depending on their properties and inspect them to assess quality
PC2. identify and carry out sorting of quality seeds and ensure temporary storage
of seeds in proper condition
PC3. select and use nursery tools for different nursery operations
PC4. maintain the cleanliness of the nursery at all times
Carry out seed bed
preparation and
maintenance Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course

Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
To be competent, the individual must be able to:
PC5. select good quality seeds
PC6. select poly bags of appropriate size and specifications
PC7. plant seeds in the poly bags/root trainer cups to aid in the cultivation of
young plants Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
PC8. carry out timely sowing of the seeds
PC9. prepare the land and make germination beds as per specification
PC10. place the seeds in the germination medium and cover with coir mat/gunny
bags Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
PC11. water the germination beds to maintain optimum moisture using hand tools
and gardening tools Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
PC12. select the best quality germinated seeds, tie and wrap them and ensure
transportation without damage – Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
PC13. count the no: of seeds that have germinated so as to assess mortality rate
PC14. carry out timely weeding and ensure undesirable seedlings are removed
PC15. carry out fertilizer application as per instructions received
PC16. carry out safe handling, storage and disposal of fertilizers
PC17. identify and control insects and rodents through application of pesticides as
per instructions received
PC18. provide shade to regulate sun light to growing plants
PC19. carry out harvesting of plants at the right stage and transplant or pot and
label them Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organization procedures used for effective nursery management
KA2. types of fertilizers and irrigation methods used by the organization
KA3. basic knowledge of disease control and pest management systems used by
the organization
KA4. basic aspects of plant propagation procedure used in the organization
KA5. basic aspects of greenhouse activities used in the organization
B. Technical
Knowledge Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. types of soil and their suitability for various varieties of plants
KB2. sorting and viability testing of seeds
KB3. preparation of germination beds, nursery beds
KB4. planting techniques and nursery and after care
KB5. basic knowledge of pest and disease management
KB6. basic aspects of plant propagation
KB7. basic knowledge of greenhouse activities and precautions to be taken for a Gardener cum Nursery Raiser 6Months Course
If you Need Certificate the you should have to attended all Classes Regularly Time to Time and And Share A Registration Number For your Attendance, Which we will provide you after complete admission. When Your 80% Attendance will be Complete then You should attend Assessment or Exam For Certificate And Mark sheet.
There Are Some Terms And conditions to eligible for Certificate And Mark sheet
- Need 80% Online Class Attendance By Registration Number
- attend Online Exam and Interview
- You Have To Pay Certificate Currier Charge Rs 2000 (Two thousand Rupees Only)

Only You have to pay Rs 2000/-(two thousand Rupees Only ) For The Certificate Courier Charge,
When you selected For Free Certificate And Mark sheet Or pay based Certificate And Mark sheet then your government registration process will be start , We give you a Registration Certificate , When you Will Start Your Online Class Every Day you will Put The Registration number With Us for attendance.
As Example Registration Certificate will be like the
This Certificate is valid for All India Government and private both sector and this certificate is also valid 129 Countries of The World, And by this certificate you can Attend All out interviews And job Section ..
Terms & Conditions of Offline Class
Offline Class —(Totally Free Of Cost)
Offline class Its mean you Direct Go to Our Institute and Take admission there, after the admission you have to join direct class
there is a totally free of cost no charge ,, even you will get Rs 50 every day from Government
every day , There Is a three Time Of classes
a) 8:00am to 12:00pm
b)12:00pm to 4:00pm
c)4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
you can take any time for class regarding your needs , you have to select any one time for regular attending the class
But one thing Must be Remember you have to attain at least 80% of total class, As example if class is 180 days then you have to attain minimum 150 days , other wise your registration will be cancel, and you cant sit on exam and you will also not get certificate
Terms & Conditions of Online Class

Online Class Time – 12:00 pm to 01:00pm ( Two Days In a Week ) , If You have No Time at 12: 00 pm then You can see the class before 8:00 pm after that your attendance will be close,
Online Class And Mark sheet Details
Online Class And Mark sheet Details,
All over India GPRS Studio Provide you Free Online Class And Free Certificate..
Online Classes are Totally Free for All Indian, You can Attend Our Online Classes in Youtube Channel GPRS Studio at home by your Phone /Laptop/ Mobile/Computer etc .Its total 6 Months Class .. Two days In a Week