Free Assistant spa therapist course (1year Diploma)

Free Assistant Spa Therapist course (1year Diploma) Free Assistant Spa Therapist course (1year Diploma)
Brief Job Description:- An Assistant Spa Therapist needs to be aware of the basics of spa therapy, health and hygiene, safety and needs to be knowledgeable about various products and massage techniques. Assistant spa therapist is expected to assist the senior spa therapist in providing spa services assistant spa therapist course.
Personal Attributes: -The job requires an individual well-versed with the spa services to assist the spa therapist provide a range of services efficiently and effectively in a safe and hygienic working environment. The individual must exhibit a plesant personality, excellent interpersonal and communication skills and be able to follow instructions provided by the supervisor. The individual must possess the basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology for spa therapies and have basic service aptitude,

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:-
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read policy and procedure documents, guidelines and memos in English to interpret the gist correctly
SA2. read common organizational signage in English accurately
SA3. read simple emails, instructions, advertisements, brochures, manufacturer’s labels, forms, formats and other common documents accurately
SA4. read and interpret correctly information about new products and services with reference to the organization and also from external forums such as websites and/or blogs
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. write appointments, names, addresses, simple emails, messages, and applications in English accurately
SA6. construct a CV or fill a job application form accurately representing skills, knowledge and past experiences in English accurately
SA7. write an accident or incident report accurately in English
SA8. fill in various applicable forms and formats at the workplace accurately
SA9. maintain accurate records of client, services, operating and closing checklists, product stock status
Carry out preparatory and simple spa services and assistive tasks for advanced spa services Assistant spa therapist course :-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. check and prepare the service area is prepared as per Spa therapist’s requirement for service and organizational standards assistant spa therapist course.
PC2. ensure all equipment is safe for use, clean and prepared as per service requirement Equipment: Steamer, heaters, etc.
PC3. arrange tools, products and other materials that are safe and fit for the purpose based on the guidelines Products: Hair and body shampoo, exfoliating products, salts, creams and oils, essences, mud, clay, sand, herbs, petroleum jelly, face moisturizers, etc. Tools: Comb, hair dryers, bowls, spatulas, brushes, etc. Materials: Robe, slippers, disposable briefs, headband, towels, ear plugs, ear buds, etc.
PC4. prepare massage oil or cream and other equipment for spa services as per manufacturer’s guidelines
PC5. prepare the post care product tray
PC6. greet the client, and ensure the client is comfortable
PC7. identify any contra indications on client, if any that may restrict services, act according to organizational standards to address these, verify with the supervisor where required assistant spa therapist course.
PC8. provide the client appropriate materials in preparation for service procedures Materials: Robe, slippers, disposable briefs, headband, towels, ear plugs, etc.
PC9. guide the client to the service area safely and politely
PC10. perform foot ritual including foot cleaning, disinfecting and wiping PC11. position self and client in a manner, to ensure privacy, comfort and welthroughout the service
PC12. explain accurately the service procedure and provide information about products used (oils and creams) to the customer, prior to service
PC13. provide correct products, tools, materials and other items to the spa therapist as required during the service
PC14. take precautions and work in a manner to maintain guest privacy and modesty during the service
PC15. prepare the service area for exfoliations services
PC16. carry out exfoliation services under supervision of the massager (masseuse) using various wrap materials Exfoliation services: apply exfoliation product using hands or brushes, wrap for constant heat, keep on for specified timing as per manufacturer’s and supervisor instructions, remove with body sponges, steamed towels, etc. Wrap materials: Foil, plastic and fabric
PC17. carry out dry brushing
PC18. apply mask and body wrap, remove without making the area messy
PC19. ensure client is not left unattended at any stage
PC20. identify contra-actions and necessary subsequent actions
PC21. robe the client and guide for bathing and other services
PC22. accurately record the therapy details and store information securely in line with the organization’s policies
PC23. shut down equipment safely, and as per manufacturer’s instructions
PC24. ensure work area is left clean, post service
PC25. dispose waste materials safely and hygienically as per organisational standards
PC26. adhere to the health and safety standards laid out by the manufacturer and organization
PC27. record details of the procedure accurately as per organisational policy and approved practice
PC28. store information securely in line with the salon’s policies
PC29. ask questions to check with the client their satisfaction with the finished result
PC30. thank customer for feedback post-service, where customer is not satisfied with service take actions to resolve matter to customer satisfaction or apologise for the same and refer to supervisor
Spa Services and Assisve Tasks:-

Massage Techniques:-
The word Massage is a derivaon from the Greek ‘massein’, or the French ‘masser’, which both mean: to knead.
A male operator is called a masseur, a female operator, a masseuse.
Massage is a scienfic treatment, by certain passive systemac manipulaons, upon the nude skin of the human body.
Tradional Swedish massage uses five main techniques, and many variaons, to achieve its relaxing and healing effects..
Effleurage or Gliding or Stroking (Pronounced ef-flurahzh)
It means light fricon. Main technique for spreading oil when done on the limbs, all strokes are toward the heart to aid blood and lymphac flow. Gliding movement in which the hands glide with long even strokes over the body surfaces. Glides are in the direcon of the heart which helps push along the flow of blood and lymph. It affects the skin and superficial muscles.
Petrissage or Kneading or Milking:-
Just think of the moons used to knead bread dough. It generally involves kneading and compression moons – rolling, squeezing, or pressing the muscles to enhance deeper circulaon. Petrissage aempts to increase circulaon with clearing out toxins from muscle and nerve ssue. A compression movement using kneading, pressing, twisng, and squeezing muscle ssue creang a pumping acon that forces the venous blood and lymph onward and brings a fresh supply of blood to the muscle assistant spa therapist course.
Deep form of effleurage assists in realigning scar ssue, relaxes muscles by smulang Golgi tendon reflex. The moon is circular, applying direct pressure, a fast back and forth movement or slow or deep gliding over muscles. Compression movement performed with the thumb, fingerps, or the palm of the hand and in circular moon. Helpful in limbering joints, tendons, and muscles.

Tapotement or Percussion:- (Pronounced tah-pote-mont) A skilled therapist can tap from thirteen to fourteen mes a second. Smulaon of red muscles, relaxaon of hypertonic muscles and loosens mucus in thoracic cavity. Make loose fist, keep your wrists relaxed, and use quick movements, alternang hands. Only use with a relaxed wrist.
Vibraon or Shaking or Jostling:- It boosts circulaon and increases the power of the muscles to contract. Moving your hand back and forth on the client’s body without leaving contact a connuous trembling, pressing movement made with the hands or
Contraindicaons of massage:-
The following points have to be considered in relaon to contraindicaons for massage services:
1. Seek medical advice before having a massage if you suffer from phlebis, thrombosis, varicose veins, severe acute back pain, or fever.
2.Swellings, fractures, skin infecons, or bruises should not be massaged. Lumps and swellings should be checked by your doctor.
3.Massage of the abdomen, legs, and feet should not be given during the first three months of pregnancy.
4. Cancer paents are best treated by specially trained praconers who know which areas to avoid and which kind of massage is appropriate.
Thai Massage:-
Thai Tradional Massage is over 2500 years old. The founder, Shivaga Komar Bhucca (Shivagakomarpaj is the anglicized name) was the physician to the Theravedic Buddhist order of monks and nuns in India. This physician was a contemporary of Buddha. He developed Thai massage, as well as related herbal pracces. When traveling from India to Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Burma, the monks and nuns brought with them the knowledge and tradion now known as Thailand Tradional Massage. In those mes, the purpose of this massage was to facilitate deeper meditaon pracces.
Benefits of Thai Tradional Massage:-
1.Deep Relaxaon
2.Decreases Stress
3. Increases Energy
4. Increases Range of Movement of Joints
Body Wraps:-
Body wraps could be considered as the earliest known ‘spa treatment’. The ancient Egypans were using a Body wrap when they embalmed bodies using herbs, resins and spices. This pracce preserved body ssues and prevented degradaon and decay. Emollient wraps in modern day spas have the same aim; to forfy the skin and prevent pre-mature aging. Many so-ssue condions can benefit from wraps aimed at decreasing chronic holding paerns, smulang circulaon and lymphac flow, or by simply relaxing the body and providing me for reflecon.
Today, a wide variety of body wraps are used for cosmec purposes, or to treat condions such as rheumasm, low immunity, fague, and muscular aches and pains. There are numerous ways to perform a body wrap, and as with any spa treatment, the therapist can mix and match methods to best meet their treatment goals
It is helpful to understand three different wrapping procedures; the hot sheet wrap, the ‘cocoon’ and the tension wrap. It is important to point out that the words ‘hot sheet wrap’ and ‘cocoon’ are used to differenate two disnct procedures. This classificaon clarifies that the word ‘wrap’ always means a hot sheet wrap, while the word ‘cocoon’ always means that the product is applied directly to the body.
The words ‘wrap’, ‘cocoon’, ‘swathe’ ‘envelopment’, ‘envelop’ are generally used freely at the discreon of the therapist to describe any type of wrap. The types of products that can be used in a hot sheet wrap or cocoon are limited only by the imaginaon assistant spa therapist course.
General Treatment Consideraons:-
Before delivering any type of body wrap, a careful pre-treatment health form/quesonnaire must be filled out with the client to make sure that there are no contraindicaons for the treatment. The therapist should also be aware of problems that might arise during this parcular type of spa treatment.
Healing Crisis:-
Wraps may trigger a rapid detoxificaon of the body, which may result in a headache and nausea. It is normal for a client to experience mild detoxificaon symptoms. However, if the symptoms are intense, or if they occur during the wrap itself, remove the client from the wrap, encourage them to drink water and to rest at a comfortable temperature. If the client’s symptoms persist aer they are unwrapped or if they get worse rapidly, the client could be in danger and the therapist should consult a physician or call the emergency services
In a hot sheet wrap the client should be wearing disposable undergarments or an old swimsuit so that they are always covered. During the wrap procedure they will need to lie down on top of the hot sheet quickly, aer it has been unfolded by the therapist. To maintain their modesty they will wear the robe over the undergarments up unl the moment they get onto the treatment table
When The Wrap Goes Wrong:-
Like any spa treatment hot sheet wraps, cocoons and tension wraps require pracce but even experienced therapists have days when the wrap goes wrong. For example, if the therapist cuts the plasc sheeng too short, they may try to wrap it around the client and find that they have a gap. The best pracce in this case is to cover the gap with two bath towels and keep going with the treatment. If the hot sheet wrap turns cold before the client is wrapped, connue to wrap the client and then place a hot pack under the feet and turn the heat up in the room as high as possible. If the hot sheet wrap is so cold that the client is uncomfortable, the therapist can start again by reheang the wrap sheet on the client
Types of Body Wrap Spa Treatment Assistant spa therapist course:-

Algae body wrap: -A nourishing, warmed algae is applied on the skin to start cell metabolism and detoxificaon
Bust wrap:- To tone and moisture sagged and loose skin resulng from ageing process or rapid weight loss, a ghtening and firming serum is applied to the bust region before wrapping assistant spa therapist course.
Cellulite treatment wrap:- Cellulite wraps helps to boost circulaon to flush out toxins from the skin and underlying fat cells, for a smoother, bump-free appearance. Generally, these wraps target the boom, hip and thigh area alone.
Chocolate body wrap: The ulmate treat for chocoholics, this heavenly scented body wrap sees cocoa-rich formulas applied to your skin. Chocolate is known for its an-ageing, toning and soening qualies.
Frigi thalgo body wrap: Those with excess fluid retenon in their hip and/or thigh region will benefit from a chilly ‘frigi thalgo’ (meaning ‘cold richness of the sea’) marine algae body wrap, which also targets cellulite and gives red legs a new lease of life
Herbal body wrap: This dead skin cell-eliminang treatment sees a selecon of herbs – chosen for their nourishing properes – blended with essenal oils and steeped in very hot water. Cloth sheets are then soaked in the soluon before applicaon around the body
Inch-loss / slimming body wrap: Specifically designed to beer contour your body through cleansing, toning and ghtening of the skin, inch-loss wraps are oen enjoyed by women before an important event at which they’d like to look their best. Up to 10 inches can be lost across the body, though results from one-off treatments are usually temporary.
Mud / clay wrap: Say goodbye to excess water, impuries and dull pores – a layer of therapeuc mud or clay is lightly massaged into your skin before wrapping begins, to cleanse, detoxify and firm you head-to-toe. Therapeuc muds and clays have an-stress properes and the wide availability of these wraps mean they’re a popular choice for spa guests
Oil body wrap: These body wraps are formulated to moisturise dry and/or dehydrated skin. A single – or mix of – aromac essenal oil is warmed and sandwiched between your skin and the applied mylar bandages
Paraffin body wrap: Bandages are seldom used as part of this unique, skin-soening body wrap – warm paraffin wax is simply brushed directly over your body, creang its own seal once dry. The heat from the wax can help to reduce muscle pain and soothe arthric symptoms
Parafango wrap: A mixture of cold therapeuc mud (‘fango’ in Italian) and warm paraffin wax are combined to create a body sauna and smulate your lymphac flow, helping your skin rid itself of toxins and excess water more efficiently assistant spa therapist course.
Thalasso (seaweed) body wrap: Like mud wraps, thalasso (meaning ‘sea therapy’) body wraps are available at the vast majority of spas. A combinaon of seawater, seaweed and/or algae is used to refresh, hydrate and firm your body
Acng within the limits of your responsibility:-
When we are working in a salon we must execute all tasks as per the organizaonal standards within the limits of our authority
Scenario A: You do a spa pedicure for a teenager. At the end of the service she tells you that her mum is going to come in later to pay. You allow the client to go and the mother never comes into the salon with the money. Your manager is upset because you have cost the salon money and tells you it will be deducted from your wages! – In your group, discuss the limits of your authority in this situaon.
Appropriate Behaviour with Customers: As an Assistant Spa Therapist, your major work and me is invested in dealing with salon clients and customers. Your business depends solely on the number of customers aracted to take services
from and how happy they are at the end. When dealing with customers, it is of utmost importance that their interest should be kept in mind. While dealing with customers, always remember:
1Customer’s choice and decision should be at the top. Never force any one to take a specific service. You
2. may suggest but do not force.
3. If customer do not wish to go for a parcular service you are suggesng, do not feel bad and that Ÿ shouldn’t affect the service you are giving.
4. Never get too personal with the customer.
5.Never get indulged in personal conversaon with colleagues or on phone while customer is waing for you to start the process
6. Be calm if at all a customer complains. Do not be too defensive. You can always apologise and give a
7 service free or discount
Use good body mechanics: Learn to use your body in a natural and efficient way, while maximizing your strength and avoiding overloading the most vulnerable parts of your body (hands, neck, lower back)
Stay in shape: Lack of physical condion is a risk factor for injury. To stay healthy in your career, you must have the necessary physical condion to keep up with the physical demands of your work assistant spa therapist course.
Take care of your general health: Geng enough sleep, eang well and avoiding unhealthy habits like having tranquilizers can affect your ability to withstand the rigors of your work and heal ssue damage before it progresses to the point of injury
It is an iron rule: Your first role must be not to cause any damage. Only aer that, try to deliver healing energies to your guest. Here is where your complete knowledge comes into picture.
1.Look aer your hands and fingers as they are your tools.
2. Concentrate on the guest needs, that is, work with the guest always.
3. Maintain the correct body posture during all the massage and move your body according to the need of execuon of a parcular stroke. (rhythmic movement)
4. When offering a therapy to someone else, you must remember that everything you are thinking and feeling will be communicated to the person you are working with through simply touching of your fingers to their skin.
5. Maintain the correct body posture during the Facial massage and move your body according to the need of execuon of a parcular stroke. (rhythmic movement)
6.Keep your hands flexible, so that they fit the contour of the area.
7. Establish correct rate of movement.
8. Regulate pressure according to the muscle bulk and specific skin condion.
A professional therapist needs to work with the guest. And not have the atude of “I know many strokes and techniques, see how good am I in that?” this is quite important!!!
Your own protecon: Bend your knees while you are giving the therapy session in order to prevent injuries to your selves – proper usage of fingers and toes, shoulders, elbows, wrists, your back and knees
Your deeper involvement: Meditaon, prayer, thank the divine to heal the person by doing your best and be compassionate to your guest.
A professional therapist’s qualies are Compassion, caring, nurturing, and selfless service. Always watch yourself, look with-in, observe your own thoughts and feelings if you lack in these qualies try and develop them. To make the massage of greatest benefit it is important to try and keep your thoughts pure and your intenons always for the highest good. Least you can do is take a few deep breaths slowly just before you are ready to invite your guest in…
disposal of waste, environmental protection
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills):-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA10. listen and interpret correctly simple instructions in English
SA11. listen for and identify the main points of short explanations or presentations in English
SA12. listen to and follow short, straightforward explanations and instructions in English
SA13. introduce oneself and one’s role to customers and visitors, in English and the local language
SA14. express clearly statements of fact and give short explanations, accounts and descriptions to customers, seniors and co-workers in English
SA15. give clear instructions to customers and/or coworkers as required assistant spa therapist course.
SA16. pronounce the sounds of English or use sign language sufficiently clearly to be generally understood
SA17. speak or communicate with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations on familiar topics
SA18. exchange information effectively to perform a task
SA19. give simple directions, instructions and explanations
SA20. ask and answer simple questions such as to establish customer needs, or who a visitor is seeking to meet and for what purpose
SA21. display an adequate range of vocabulary to communicate on familiar topics and perform simple tasks
SA22. use simple and compound sentences in conversations SA23. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicatclient, unless it is required
SA24. speak in a manner and tone that is professional, supportive, respectful and sensitive
SA25. listen and understand the local language in dealing with clients

Professional Skills:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. decide on course of action by recalling organisational policy, procedures and service standards
SB2. make simple decisions with respect to appropriateness of own behaviour recalling principles and practices of professional and social etiquette
SB3. get information on limits of authority and permitted actions while making decisions on how to act in routine situations
SB4. get information on chain of command to be approached for decisions based on
Plan and Organize:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. identify, plan and schedule tasks related to own work, to achieve standards of personal presentations expected in a professional set-up
SB6. keep one’s own documents and possessions in order at the workplace to ensure cleanliness, security and efficiency of use
SB7. organize tasks based on instructions from supervisor or manager in order to complete them on time in order of stated priority
SB8. organize service feedback files/documents
SB9. plan and manage work routine based on salon procedure assistant spa therapist course.
SB10. maintain the work area, equipment and product stocks to meet client schedules
SB11. maintain accurate records of clients, services and product stock levels
SB12. plan own development in line with feedback given from supervisor, coworkers and clients
Customer Centricity:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB13. prioritise response to customers based on urgency and criticality of need, status of the customer and supervisor inputs
SB14. minimize customer discomfort by taking permitted or directed actions in a timely manner
SB15. respond promptly to customers in a manner that aims to exceed their expectation
SB16. adhere to principles of service excellence as defined by the organization aimed at customer satisfaction
SB17. build customer relationships using a customer centric approach
SB18. follow hygiene, safety and personal presentation standards in line with customer and organisation expectations
Problem Solving:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB19. identify problems that hinder achievement or increase risks
SB20. recall organizational policies, procedures, rules and guidelines applicable to the situation that may be used to decide course of action when faced with problems
SB21. act in line with organizational policies, procedures, supervisor/manager instructions, rules and guidelines to contribute towards resolution of the problem in a timely and safe manner, within limits of authority
SB22. escalate the problem in a timely manner to the supervisor/manager for effective resolution minimizing damage
SB23. explain the importance of resolving problem in a timely manner
SB24. explain the importance of accurate communications in problem resolution
SB25. explain the negative effects of hiding problems instead of identifying, highlighting and working to resolve them
Analytical Thinking:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB26. seek guidance to define criteria and assign values of importance and urgency
SB27. sort information in order of importance
SB28. identify impact of own actions in terms of health, safety, security, customer satisfaction, influence of coworkers, achievement of task objectives
SB29. differentiate between routine and non-routine issues and escalate issues of a non-routine nature and as needed
Critical Thinking:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB30. verify information to clarify doubts through seeking guidance from organization documents, supervisor, managers and co-workers
SB31. identify relevant and reliable sources of information for seeking clarity where required assistant spa therapist course.
SB32. explain the concept of assumptions and how they impact decisions, actions and consequences
SB33. identify situations and possible underlying intent where information provided by others may be unreliable
Guidelines for Assessment Assistant spa therapist course:-
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC
- The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
- Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
- . Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/ training center based on this criteria
- To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 50% in aggregate
- In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.

Carry out simple spaservices and assistive tasks for advanced spa services:-
PC1.check and prepare the service area is prepared as per Spa therapist’s requirement for service and organisational standards
PC2.ensure all equipment is safe for use, clean and prepared as per service requirement
PC3.arrange tools, products and other materials that are safe and fit for the purpose based on the guidelines
PC4.prepare massage oil or cream and other equipment for spa services as per manufacturer’s guidelines
PC5.prepare the post care product tray 4 1 3 PC6.greet the client, and ensure the client i
PC7.identify any contra indications on client, if any that may restrict services, act according to organisational standards to address these, verify with the supervisor where required
PC8.provide the client appropriate materials in preparation for service procedures the client to the service area safely and politely
PC10.perform foot ritual including foot cleaning, disinfecting and wiping
PC11.position self and client in a manner, to ensure privacy, comfort and wellbeing, throughout the service
PC12.explain accurately the service procedure and provide information about products used (oils and creams) to the customer, prior to service
PC13.provide correct products, tools, materials and other items to the spa therapist as required during the service
PC14.take precautions and work in a manner to maintain guest privacy and modesty during the service
PC15.prepare the service area for exfoliations services
PC16.carry out exfoliation services under supervision of the massager (masseuse) using various wrap materials
PC17.carry out dry brushing
PC18.apply mask and body wrap, remove without making the area messy
PC19.ensure client is not left unattended at any stage
PC20.identify contra-actions and necessary subsequent actions
PC21.robe the client and guide for bathing and other services 3 0.5 2.5 PC22.accurately record the therapy details and store information
PC23.shut down equipment safely, and as per manufacturer’s instructions
PC24.ensure work area is left clean, post service
PC25.dispose waste materials safely and hygienically as per organisational standards
PC26.adhere to the health and safety standards laid out by the manufacturer and organization
PC27.record details of the procedure accurately as per organisational policy and approved practice information securely in line with the salon’s policies
PC29.ask questions to check with the client their satisfaction with the finished result
PC30.thank customer for feedback post-service, where customer is not satisfied with service take actions to resolve matter to customer satisfaction or apologise for the same and refer to supervisor

Create a positive impression at the workplace Assistant spa therapist course:-
PC1.maintain good health and personal hygiene
PC2.comply with organisation’s standards of grooming and personal behavior the organisation’s standards of courtesy, behavior and efficiency
PC4.stay free from intoxicants while on duty
PC5.wear and carry organisation’s uniform and accessories correctly and smartly
PC6.take appropriate and approved actions in line with instructions and guidelines
PC7.record details related to tasks, as per procedure
PC8.participate in workplace activities as a part of the larger team to supervisor immediately in case there are any work issues
PC10.use appropriate language, tone and gestures while interacting with clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender
PC11.communicate procedure related information to clients based on the sector’s code of practices and organisation’s procedures/ guidelines
PC12.communicate role related information to stakeholders in a polite manner and resolve queries, if any
PC13.assist and guide clients to services or products based on their needs and record instances of aggressive/ unruly behavior and seek assistance
PC15.use communication equipment (phone, email etc.) as mandated by your organization
PC16.carry out routine documentation legibly and accurately in the desired format
PC17.file routine reports and feedback
PC18.maintain confidentiality of information, as required in the role
Prepare and maintain work area:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure that ambient conditions are suitable for the client and the service procedures to be carried out in a hygiene and safe environment
PC2. identify and select suitable equipment and products required for the respective services
PC3. set up the equipment and prepare the products for services in adherence to the salon procedures and product/ equipment guidelines
PC4. place and organize the products in a trolley or area convenient and efficient for service delivery
PC5. prepare sterilisation solution as per organisational standards using approved products and as per manufacturer’s instructions
PC6. sterilize, disinfect and place the tools on the tray as per organisational standards using recommended solutions and conditions conditions: Time, temperature, etc
PC7. dispose waste materials in adherence to the salon’s and industry requirements Waste materials: Cotton, wax, strips, hair, etc
PC8. store records, materials and equipment securely in line with the salon’s policies
Maintain the health and safety at the workplace:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. set up and position the equipment, chemicals, products and tools in the work area to meet legal, hygiene and safety requirements
PC2. clean and sterilize all tools and equipment before use
PC3. maintain one’s posture and position to minimize fatigue and the risk of injury
PC4. dispose waste materials in accordance to the industry accepted standards
PC5. maintain first aid kit and keep oneself updated on the first aid procedures
PC6. identify and document potential risks and hazards in the workplace
PC7. accurately maintain accident reports
PC8. report health and safety risks/ hazards to concerned personnel
PC9. use tools, equipment, chemicals and products in accordance with the salon’s guidelines and manufacturers’ instructions
Technical Knowledge:-

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. environmental conditions required and expected for carrying out services and importance of maintaining these Conditions: Air, light, space, temperature, sound, cleanliness, etc.
KB2. types of products, materials and equipment required forthe respective services
KB3. process and products to sterilize and disinfect equipment/tools
KB4. manufacturer’s instructions related to equipment and product use and cleaning
KB5. customer service principles including privacy and protection to modesty of the customers
KB6. risks to customer privacy and modesty and actions (precautions) taken to maintain the same in the salon
KB7. importance of keeping accurate records of services, clients and product usage (inventory)
KB8. applicable legislation relating to the workplace Legislation for the workplace: eg. health and safety, workplace regulations, use of work equipment, control of substances hazardous to health,
Appearance and behavior:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. maintain good health and personal hygiene
PC2. comply with organisation’s standards of grooming and personal behavior
PC3. meet the organisation’s standards of courtesy, behavior and efficiency
PC3. meet the organisation’s standards of courtesy, behavior and efficiency
PC5. wear and carry organisation’s uniform and accessories correctly and smartly
Task execution as per organization’s standards:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. take appropriate and approved actions in line with instructions and guidelines
PC7. record details related to tasks, as per procedure
PC8. participate in workplace activities as a part of the larger team
PC9. report to supervisor immediately in case there are any work issues
PC10. use appropriate language, tone and gestures while interacting with clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender
Communication and Information record Assistant spa therapist course:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC11. communicate procedure related information to clients based on the sector’s code of practices and organisation’s procedures/ guidelines
PC12. communicate role related information to stakeholders in a polite manner and resolve queries, if any
PC13. assist and guide clients to services or products based on their needs
PC14. report and record instances of aggressive/ unruly behavior and seek assistance
PC15. use communication equipment (phone, email etc.) as mandated by your organization
PC16. carry out routine documentation legibly and accurately in the desired format
PC17. file routine reports and feedback
PC18. maintain confidentiality of information, as required, in the role
handling/storage/ disposal/ cautions in the use of products, fire precautions, occurrences, hygiene practice, disposal of waste, environmental protection