Free Yoga Instructor Course (1year Diploma)

The Yoga Instructor is responsible to demonstrate the yoga postures, asanas, pranayamas, meditation and relaxation techniques for the guests
Brief Job Description:- The Yoga Instructor is responsible to demonstrate the yoga postures, asanas, pranayamas, meditation and relaxation techniques for the guests. The individual must exhibit knowledge of the principles and practices of basic Yogic techniques to explain and respond to the guest questions Yoga Instructor Course.
Personal Attributes:-This job requires an individual to provide a range of basic asanas in a safe and hygienic working environment. The individual must exhibit a pleasant personality, service orientation and proficiency in interpersonal and communication skills as well as in language
Core Skills/Generic Skills Yoga Instructor Course:-
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document call logs, reports, task lists, and schedules with co-workers
SA2. prepare status and progress reports
SA3. record customers’ discussions in the call logs
SA4. write memos and e-mail to customers, co-workers, and vendors to provide them with work updates and to request appropriate information without English language errors regarding grammar or sentence construct
Conduct the basic Yoga sessions Yoga Instructor Course:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure appropriate ambience for guests to perform yoga
PC2. ensure readiness and preparedness of the guests to be able to take the session like empty stomach etc.
PC3. provide appropriate opening and closure of the session through prayer/chanting/meditation
PC4. perform and instruct loosening asanas or sukshma vyayama, breathing asanas as agreed with the guest and arrangement of the organization
PC5. perform and instruct classical asana as agreed with the guest and arrangement of the organization
PC6. perform and instruct pranayama’s as agreed with the guest and arrangement of the organisation
PC7. recognise, adjust, and adapt to specific guest needs in the evolving professional relationship
PC8. implement effective teaching methods, adapt to unique styles of learning, provide supportive and effective feedback, acknowledge the guest’s progress, and cope with unique difficulties / successes adjust appropriate practice strategies to the guests
PC9. elicit the goals, expectations and aspirations of the guests
PC10. assist the supervisor to integrate information from the intake, evaluation, and observation to develop a working assessment of the guest’s condition, limitations and possibilities
PC11. deliver appropriate practices for individuals as well as group, taking into consideration the assessment of their conditions, limitations, possibilities and the overall practice strategy
PC12. provide instruction, demonstration, education to the guests using multi-model strategies of education such as audio visual tools, kinaesthetic learning tools, etc
. PC13. practice effective guest -centred communication based upon a respect for and sensitivity to individual familial, cultural, social, ethnic and religious factors
PC14. gather feedback, assist the supervisor to re-assess and refine the practice for determining short-term or long-term goals and priorities
PC15. accept and follow ethical principles and related concepts from the yoga tradition to professional interactions and relationships
PC16. inform guests in various forms of yoga and its effect on body and mind
PC17. use a broad range of mind-body-based healing tools in conjunction with asanas
based on needs, ages, and ability levels to create effective practices against ailments
PC18. apply yogic principles to conduct guest sessions to enhance wellbeing, overcome illness and live a healthier and more meaningful life
PC19. perform and demonstrate all yoga techniques to guests and ensure compliance to safety and health standards PC20. assist guests to perform all techniques effectively
PC21. evaluate asanas performed by guests and recommend correction whenever required
PC22. coordinate with senior supervisors and guests on yogic lifestyle counselling to ensure healthy body and mind
PC23. ensure guests satisfaction and assist in answering all guest queries
PC24. store guest and equipment records, securely in line with the organization’s policies
PC25. leave the work area in a clean and hygienic condition suitable for further classes
PC26. document the client chart ( sattva, rajas, tamas), contra indications and health condition and requirements of all guests and conduct classes to follow the asanas plan designed

Communication and Information record:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC11. communicate procedure related information to guests based on the sector’s code of practices and organisation’s procedures/ guidelines
PC12. communicate role related information to stakeholders in a polite manner and resolve queries, if any
PC13.assist and guide guests to services or products based on their needs Yoga Instructor Course. and record instances of aggressive/ unruly behavior and seek assistance
PC15.use communication equipment (phone, email etc.) as mandated by the organization
PC16. carry out routine documentation legibly and accurately in the desired format
PC17.file routine reports and feedback PC18.maintain confidentiality of information, as required, in the
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
• Define yoga
• Identify the four streams of yoga
• Identify the eight limbs of Ashtang yoga
• Explain the significance of Bahiranga yoga
• Identify the parts of Bahiranga yoga and Antaranga yoga
• Discuss unity and diversity
• Explain the significance of yoga
• Identify career opportunities in Yoga
• Describe the history of yoga
At the completion of this module, participants will be able to :
• Prepare & identify types of products, materials etc required for the yoga services
• Apply applicable legislation relating to the workplace (for example health and safety, workplace regulations, use of work equipment, health hazards, handling/storage/ disposal/ cautions in the use of products/ tools/ equipment etc., fire precautions, occurrences, hygiene practice, disposal of waste, environmental protection etc.
Conduct the basic yoga sessions Yoga Instructor Course:-
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
1. Define Principle of yoga
2. Describe ancient yoga text such as Bhagwat Gita , Patanjali Yoga Sutra , Narad Bhakti Sutra, Ramayana
3. Explain about Veda & Upanishad in relation to yoga
4. Describe & illustrate the anatomy & physiology of human body systems
5. Define Yogic diet & explain the contents of a yogic diet.
6. Narrate Shanti prayer, Yogic Mantra , Shanti Mantra
Practical Component
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
A. Define & demonstrate Breathing Practices such as – Hand in and out ,Hands stretch breathing ,Ankle stretch breathing ,Rabbit breathing ,Tiger breathing , Dog breathing
B. Tell & exhibit SITHILI VYAYAMA which includes- Toe bending ,Ankle bending, Ankle rotation ,Knee bending , Knee rotation , Knee cap tightening ,Half butterfly Full butterfly ,Waist rotation , Wrist rotation ,Shoulder rotation ,Neck bending ,Neck rotation , Elbow stretching
C. Define & demonstrate Loosening Practices such as – Jogging practices – 4 variations . followed by Mukhad dhuti ,Forward and backward bending , Side bending ,Twisting ,Sit up, Hip rotation , Nauka chalana ,Chakki chalana ,Chapatti making ,Rope pulling ,Wood cutting ,Vayu nikasana , Udrakarsana ,Pascimotasana stretch ,Alternate toe touching ,Horse riding jumping ,Crow walk ,Frog jump ,Camel walk
D. Define & demonstrate asana for meditation which include – Padmasana , Vajrasana, Sukhasana
E. Describe & demonstrate various types of Pranayam techniques such as Bhastrika Surya anuloma viloma , Chandra anuloma viloma , Nadi suddhi , Sithili pranayama ,Sitkari pranayama , Ujjai pranayama , Bhramari pranayama , Chanting of Om
F. Define & demonstrate Asanas in different postures such as- SITTIN
F. Define & demonstrate Asanas in different postures such as- SITTING – Pascimotasana , Gomukhasana Bhunaman asana , Vakrasana , Aradha matsyendrasana , Vajrasana ,Ustrasana, Mandukasana , Veerasana , Shankasana Marjariasana , Janu sirasana PRONE – Navasana , Bhujanagasana, Sarpasana ,Nilambha salbhasana, Salbhasana , Dhanurasana SUPINE – Straight leg raising , Both leg raising ,Cycling , Pavan muktasana kriya , Straight leg up and down , Halasana , Sarvangasana ,Chakrsana , Setu bandhasana, Matsya asana STANDING POSE – Vikchasana , Parvatasana, Trikonasana , Parvritha trikonasana , Hastautasana , Gadurasana , Uthit janusirasana , Pada hastasana , Natvar asana .
G. Define & perform SURYANAMASKAR
H. Describe & demonstrate KRIYA techniques such as Kapalabhati ,Sukhma tratka – jathru tratka , Jal neti , Sutra neti
I. Describe & show Jalandhar bandas
J. Define & demonstrate MUDRAS like Gayan mudra , Chin mudras , Chinmaya mudra , Adi mudra , Brahm mudra K. Perform MEDITATION (Dharana )

Foundations of yoga:- • Explain about yoga and its principles
• Explain the significance of yoga
• Describe international yoga day and its impact and significance
• Carry out the techniques of therapeutic yoga
• Explain the significance and various poses of Surya Namaskar (sun salutation)
• Apply the basic principles of yoga therapy
• Explain about Yogic Paricharya (Ahara, Vihar, Achar- Vichar)
• Discuss in brief various yogic texts such as Patanjali Yogsutra, Hathapradipika, Gheranda,Samhita etc.
Yoga therapy assistant key functions and scope Yoga Instructor Course:-
• Describe the roles and responsibilities of yoga therapy assistant
• Explain the importance of appropriate and conducive environment for yoga therapy practice
• Define the scope and limitations of working for yoga therapy assistant Yoga Instructor Course.
• Measure the vital parameters to assess general state of participants
of pre-procedural preparedness for therapeutic yoga sessions
• Discuss the importance of readiness of resources including lights/props/mats/sound system etc
• Discuss the importance of ventilation, aroma and therapeutic milieu for better conduction of a therapy session.
• Assess the participant schedule on daily basis
• Interpret the prescription, orders/consent forms, clinical details of participant to plan appropriate yoga therapy sessions
• Explain the importance of employee’s responsibilities such as punctuality, discipline, integrity, grievance redressal process
• Prepare yoga therapy unit as per organizational policies and protocols
• Demonstrate safe work practices during the procedure of therapeutic yoga
Foundations of anatomy and physiology:-
• Discuss about various medical terms being used in day-to-day life for therapeutic yoga
• Explain about yogic anatomy and physiology (sharira, kosha, prana, nadi, chakra, marma)
• Explain the concept of dosha-dhatu mala
• Explain the nine systems of the human body- their structure and functions and influence of yogic practices on the different body systems
• Describe the influence of yogic practices on the Yoga Instructor Course.
• Explain the organization of body cells, tissues, Systems, membranes and glands
• Describe the anatomy and physiology of the muscular skeletal system
• Describe the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system, the integumentary system and the reproductive system
Initial interaction with individuals for proposed yoga therapy:-
• Make use of counselling techniques to gather required information from participant for therapeutic yoga
• Carry out basic physical examination of the participant.
• Explain the complications due to yogic procedure to the participant
• Identify limitations or comfort areas of participant basis on preferences considering factors such as gender, religion, culture, language etc.
• Illustrate various modulations for effective sessions based on individual preference
Fundamental principles of yoga:-
• Explain the concept of yoga
• Explain historical perspective of yoga and yogic philosophy
• Explain the concept of body, mind and soul
• Explain the concept of Ayurveda in yoga
• Explain the concept of mala (waste products)
• Explain the concept of yoga and psychology
• Explain mantra chanting and dhyana
Demonstrate relaxation techniques
• Explain the concept and benefits of yogic practices (Shuddhi Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra etc),
• Explain indications and contraindications of therapeutic yoga
• Explain the relevance of Sanskrit language and shlokas related to yoga
Classification of yoga:-
• Discuss the components of therapeutic yoga
• Describe Yogasutra and Hatha Yoga
• Discuss the classification of eight components of yogasutra like Yama, Niyamas, Āsana, Prāṇāyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhāraṇā, Dhyāna, Samādhi.
• Classify six angas of Hatha Yoga
• Describe components of Yogasutra
• Describe components of Hatha Yoga
Yoga and ailments:-
• Explain the concept of holistic well being
• Explain the yogic concept of healthy living
• Explain yoga as preventive and promotive health care.
• Describe common musculoskeletal diseases
• Explain common lifestyle and metabolic diseases
• Explain the common nutrition, ageing and immunity related Yoga Instructor Course.
• Describe metastasis and its classification
• Discuss cardio vascular diseases in brief
• Discuss the psychosomatic diseases in brief
Post yoga session review Yoga Instructor Course:-
• Explain the relevance and importance of feedback form
• Design feedback form as per session needs
• Articulate the vitals of the individuals post therapy and record it
• Illustrate the findings to the physician or concerned authorities in case of deviation from normal findings of vitals
• Plan suitable time of appointment to the individual in consultation with concerned authority or as per organizational protocol
• Assess the emotional state of the individual post therapy sessions and record it as per organizational policies
• Explain suitable suggestions to the patient based on performance without deviating from standard procedures or protocols
• Explain the modifications in practices carried out during the session to therapist/consultant.
• Explain therapist/consultant regarding any abnormal sign observed during practice.
• Explain the therapist/consultant and the patient on the progress during the course of sessions.
Basic computer knowledge:-
• Discuss the application and introduction of computers
• Describe the updated versions of windows like 2008 or 2010 –utilities and basic operations
• Describe the basic concepts of computer hardware and software
Soft skills and communication:-
• Explain the significance of effective communication
• Demonstrate the use of effective communication with patients and family without using jargons and colloquial terms
• Apply effective communication skills with colleagues using appropriate terminology in communication
• Apply basic reading and writing skills
• Apply grammar and composition
• Apply goal setting, team building, team work, time management, thinking and reasoning and communicating with others
• Describe need for customer service and service excellence in Medical service • Explain work ethics in hospital set up
• Discuss objection handling Yoga Instructor Course.
• Apply basic telephone and e-mail etiquettes
• Discuss basic computer working like feeding the data, saving the data and retrieving the data.
• Analyze the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently
• Apply the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently
Evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently
• Identify rapidly changing situations and adapt accordingly
• Discuss planning and organization of work
• Apply problem solving and decision making skills
Reporting and documentation:-
• Explain importance of maintaining various records and
• Obtain records them from related resources
• Explain various types of records to be maintained by yoga therapy assistant
• Demonstrate essential components of various records and method of documentation
• Develop skill in documentation and maintain proper registers related to yoga therapy assistant
Personal hygiene:-
• Explain the concept of healthy living.
• Demonstrate the procedures of hand hygiene to prevent cross infection including effective hand washing to include; social and clinical techniques
• Demonstrate the techniques of proper usage of PPE
• Explain the importance of PPE
• Explain about various vaccinations against common infectious diseases.
Yoga Therapy session as Palliative Care:-
• Discuss about importance of palliative car
• Describe the psychology of patients who require palliative care Yoga Instructor Course.
• Demonstrate meditation and pranayama, along with the relaxing yoga poses
• Explain the importance of assessment of prescription, orders/consent forms, clinical details etc related to diseases condition
• Check and record the patient vitals
• Discuss the importance of relaxation postures and yoga nidra, Yoga poses (asanas): egulated breathing techniques (pranayama): Diaphragmatic breathing, Deep yogic breathing, Gestures (mudra): Balancing, calming mudra, Internalized awareness Yoga Nidra (conscious, dynamic, yogic sleep), Nada Yoga (chanting mantra or singing)
• Enlist do’s and don’ts’ for palliative care patients with respect to therapeutic yoga
• Discuss about ahara (diet) related to palliative care patients
• Discuss the importance of asanas in clearing out toxins of from human body
• Explain the importance of yoga in reducing stress and anxiety

Communica te and maintain professional behavior with co – workers and patients and their families:-
PC1. communicate effectively with all individuals regardless of age, caste, gender, community or other characteristics without using terminology unfamiliar to them
PC2. utilize all training and information at one’s disposal to provide relevant information to the individual
PC3. confirm that the needs of the individual have been met
PC4. respond to queries and information needs of all individuals
PC5. adhere to guidelines provided by one’s organization or regulatory body relating to confidentiality
PC6. respect the individual’s need for privacy
PC7. maintain any records required at the end of the interaction Yoga Instructor Course.
Work with other people to meet requirement:-
PC8. integrate one’s work with another people’s work effectively
PC9. utilize time effectively and pass on essential information to other people on timely basis
PC10. work in a way that shows respect for other people
PC11. carry out any commitments made to other people
PC12. reason out the failure to fulfill commitment
PC13. identify any problems with team members and other people and take the initiative to solve these problems
Establish and manage requirement s, planning and organizing work, ensuring accomplish ment of the requirement s:-
PC14. establish, agree, and record the work requirements clearly
PC15. ensure his/her work meets the agreed requirements
PC16. treat confidential informationcorrectly
PC17. work in line with the organization’s procedures and policies and within the limits of his/ her job role
Maintain professional behavior:-
PC1. respect patient’s individual values and needs
PC2. maintain patient’s confidentiality
PC3. meet timelines for each assigned task
PC4. respect patient’s dignity and use polite language to communicate
PC5. maintain professional environment
. Organizational Context:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organization’s standards of performance and sequence of services Yoga Instructor Course.
KA2. range of services and products offered by the organization
KA3. health and safety requirements in the organization
Reading Skills:
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. read about new products and services with reference to the organization and also from external forums such as websites and blogs
SA6. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and product information sheets
SA7. read comments, suggestions, and responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) posted on the helpdesk portal
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills):- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with co-workers
SA9. question customers appropriately in order to understand the nature of the problem and make a diagnosis
SA10. give clear instructions to customers
SA11. keep customers informed about progress
SA12. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicating with a customer, unless it is required
Professional Skills:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work
Plan and Organize:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: SB2. plan and organize service feedback files/documents
Customer Centricity:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with customers who may be stressed, frustrated, confused, or angry
SB4. build customer relationships and use customer centric approach
Problem Solving:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an optimum /best possible solution(s)
SB6. deal with clients lacking the technical background to solve the problem on their own
SB7. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
Analytical Thinking:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. use the existing data to arrive at specific data points SB9. use the existing data points for improving the call resolution time
SB10. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business Yoga Instructor Course.
Critical Thinking:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

Guidelines for Assessment:-
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each
- The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluation for skill practical for every student at each examination/training center based on this criteria
- To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 60% in aggregate
- In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack
- Minimum Educational Qualifications:-
- PG Diploma (2 yrs)/Diploma/Certificate in Yoga with 5 years experience Or, M.Sc(Yoga) with 2 year Experience
- Domain Certification:-
- Certified for Job Role: “Yoga Instructor” mapped to QP: BWS/Q2201. Minimum accepted score is 80%
- Platform Certification:-
- Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”, mapped to the Qualification Pack: “MEP/Q0102”. Minimum accepted score is 80%
- Experience: PG Diploma (2 yrs)/Diploma/Certificate in Yoga with 5 years experience Or, M.Sc (Yoga) with 2 year Experience
- Total Duration:-
- Yoga Mats/ Mysore Rugs/ Towels /Durries, Yoga Blankets, Stove/ Electrical/ Gas Heater For Boiling Water, 5 Litre Kettle, Container (25 Ltrs-50 Ltrs Capacity), Yoga Cushions (optional)
- Job Description:-
- The Yoga Instructor is responsible to demonstrate the yoga postures, asanas, pranayamas, meditation and relaxation techniques for the guests. The individual must exhibit knowledge of the principles and practices of basic Yogic techniques to explain and respond to the guest questions.
- Personal Attributes:- Aptitude for conducting training, and pre/ post work to ensure competent, employable candidates at the end of the training. Strong communication skills, interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team; a passion for quality and for developing others; well-organised and focused, eager to learn and keep oneself updated with the latest in the mentioned field
(Prepare & maintain work area ):-
PC1. ensure that environmental conditions are suitable for the client and the services to be carried out in a hygiene and safe environment
PC2. select suitable equipment/products/ tools etc. required for the services
PC3. set up the equipment/ tools etc. and prepare for services in adherence to the organization’s procedures and product/ equipment/ tools related guidelines
PC4. sterilize and clean the tools/ machinery/ equipment before and after the usage
PC5. dispose waste materials (if applicable) in adherence to the organization’s and industry requirements
PC6. store records, materials and equipment securely in line with the organization’s policies
(Conduct the basic yoga sessions):-
PC1. ensure appropriate ambience for guests to perform yoga
PC2. ensure readiness and preparedness of the guests to be able to take the session like empty stomach etc.
PC3. provide appropriate opening and closure of the session through prayer/chanting/meditati on
PC4. perform and instruct loosening asanas or sukshma vyayama, breathing asanas as agreed with the guest and arrangement of the organization
PC5. perform and instruct classical asana as agreed with the guest and arrangement of the organization
PC6. perform and instruct pranayama’s as agreed with the guest and arrangement of the organization
PC7. recognise, adjust, and adapt to specific guest needs in the evolving professional relationship
PC8. implement effective teaching methods, adapt to unique styles of learning, provide supportive and effective feedback, acknowledge the guest’s progress, and cope with unique difficulties / successes adjust appropriate practice strategies to the guests
PC9. elicit the goals, expectations and aspirations of the guests
PC10. assist the supervisor to integrate information from the intake, evaluation, and observation to develop a working assessment of the guest’s condition, limitations and possibilities
PC11. deliver appropriate practices for individuals as well as group, taking into consideration the assessment of their conditions, limitations, possibilities and the overall practice strategy
PC12. provide instruction, demonstration, education to the guests using multi-model strategies of education such as audio visual tools, kinaesthetic learning tools, etc.
PC13. practice effective guest – centred communication based upon a respect for and sensitivity to individual familial, cultural, social, ethnic and religious factors
PC14. gather feedback, assist the supervisor to reassess and refine the practice for determining short-term or long-term goals and priorities
PC15. accept and follow ethical principles and related concepts from the yoga tradition to professional interactions and relationships
PC16. inform guests in various forms of yoga and its effect on body and mind
PC17. use a broad range of mind-body-based healing tools in conjunction with asanas based on needs, ages, and ability levels to create effective practices against ailments
PC18. apply yogic principles to conduct guest sessions to enhance wellbeing, overcome illness and live a healthier and more meaningful life
PC19. perform and demonstrate all yoga techniques to guests and ensure compliance to safety and health standards
PC20. assist guests to perform all techniques effectively
PC21. evaluate asanas performed by guests and recommend correction whenever required
PC22. coordinate with senior supervisors and guests on yogic lifestyle counselling to ensure healthy body and mind
PC23. ensure guests satisfaction and assist in answering all guest queries guest and equipment records, securely in line with the organization’s policies
PC25. leave the work area in a clean and hygienic condition suitable for further classes
PC26. document the client chart ( sattva, rajas, tamas), contra indications and health condition and requirements of all guests and conduct classes to follow the asanas plan designed
PC27. ensure appropriate ambience for guests to perform yoga
(Create a positive impression at work area):-
PC1. maintain good health and personal hygiene
PC2. comply with organisation’s standards of grooming and
PC3. meet the organisation’s standards of courtesy, behaviour and efficiency
PC4. stay free from intoxicants while on duty
PC5. wear and carry organisation’s uniform and accessories correctly and smartly
PC6. take appropriate and approved actions in line with instructions and guidelines
PC7. record details related to tasks, as per procedure
PC8. participate in workplace activities as a part of the larger team
PC9. report to supervisor immediately in case there are any work issues
PC10. use appropriate language, tone and gestures while interacting with clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender
PC11. communicate procedure related information to clients based on the sector’s code of practices and organisation’s procedures/ guidelines
PC12. communicate role related information to stakeholders in a polite manner and resolve queries, if any
PC13. assist and guide clients to services or products based on their needs
PC14. report and record instances of aggressive/ unruly behaviour and seek assistance
PC15. use communication equipment (phone, email etc.) as mandated by your organization
PC16. carry out routine documentation legibly and accurately in the desired format
PC17. file routine reports and feedback
PC18. maintain confidentiality of information, as required, in the role
Demonstrati ng yoga therapy posture:-
PC1. work and prioritize the activities as per the instructions of the therapist/ doctor
PC2. check vital parameters including blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiration to assess physical state of individual
PC3. show asanas to the individuals as per yogic practices applying complementary practices of yogic principles
PC4. conduct voice modulation as per the need of the environment
PC5. ambulate patient in a proper way
PC6. guide the individual to be in a comfortable position
PC7. guide the participant for minimizing mistakes during practice and to make the session more useful and safer
PC8. be vigilant towards the participant during the practice
PC9. avoid unnecessary physical contact with the individuals
Aide by post therapy sessions compliances:-

PC10. document practice list and schedule of the participants
PC11. record individual grievances ifany and escalate to the concerned authority
PC12. update the therapist/doctor regarding the performance of an individual and limitations if any or any other area of concern
PC13. provide details to the participant about next schedule or follow up session as per therapist/ doctor’s advice
Reflective Report of Yoga Therapy Session:-
PC1. take a feedback from the patient about the session as per organizational standard operating procedure
PC2. check the vitals of the individuals post therapy and record it
PC3. update the findings to the physician or concerned authorities in case of deviation from normal findings of vitals
PC4. provide suitable time of appointment to the individual inconsultation with concerned authority or as per organizational protocol
PC5. assess the emotional state of the participant post therapy sessions and record it as per organizational policies
PC6. give suitable suggestions to the participant based on performance without deviating from standard procedures or protocols
PC7. list the modifications in practices carried out during the session to therapist/consult ant
PC8. update therapist/consult ant regarding any abnormal sign observed during practice
PC9. update the therapist/consult ant and participant regarding the progress from the course of sessions
Communica te and maintain professional behavior with co – workers and patients and their families:-
PC1. communicate effectively with all individuals regardless of age, caste, gender, community or other characteristics without using terminology unfamiliar to them
PC2. utilize all training and information at one’s disposal to provide relevant information to the individual
PC3. confirm that the needs of the individual have been met
PC4. respond to queries and information needs of all individuals
PC4. respond to queries and information needs of all individuals
PC5. adhere to guidelines provided by one’s organization or regulatory body relating to confidentiality
PC6. respect the individual’s need for privacy
PC7. maintain any records required at the end of the interaction
Work with other people to meet requirement:-
PC8. integrate one’s work with another people’s work effectively
Prepare and maintain work area:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
PC1. ensure that environmental conditions are suitable for the client and the services to be carried out in a hygiene and safe environment
PC2. select suitable equipment/products/ tools etc. required for the services
PC3. set up the equipment/ tools etc. and prepare for services in adherence to the organization’s procedures and product/ equipment/ tools related guidelines
PC4. sterilize and clean the tools/ machinery/ equipment before and after the usage
PC5. dispose waste materials (if applicable) in adherence to the organization’s and industry requirements
PC6. store records, materials and equipment securely in line with the organization’s policies
Maintain health and safety at the workplace:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. set up and position the equipment/ tools/ machinery/ products etc. in the work area to meet legal, hygiene and safety requirements
PC2. clean and sterilize all tools / machines/ equipment before and after the use
PC3. maintain one’s posture and position to minimize fatigue and the risk of injury
PC4. dispose waste materials (if applicable) in accordance to the industry accepted standards
PC5. maintain first aid kit and keep oneself updated on the first aid procedures
PC6. identify and document potential risks and hazards in the workplace
PC7. accurately maintain accident reports
PC8. report health and safety risks/ hazards to concerned personnel
PC9. use machines, tools, equipment, chemicals and products in accordance with the organization’s guidelines and manufacturers’ instructions
Create a positive impression at work area:-
At the end of this module, participant will be able to –
• Communicate and behave in a professional manner when dealing with clients
• Identify how to manage client expectations
• Behave in a professional manner within the workplace
• Use effective communication techniques when dealing with clients
• Adapt methods of communicatio to suit different situations and client needs
• Use effective consultation techniques to identify treatment objectives
• Provide clear recommendations to the client Maintain client
• Plan and organize service feedback
Plan client scheduling and bookings and maintain the work area, equipment and product stocks to meet the schedule
• Maintain accurate records of clients, treatments and product stock levels
• Accept feedback in a positive manner and develop on the short comings

Appearance and Behavior:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. maintain good health and personal hygiene
PC2. comply with organisation’s standards of grooming and personal behavior
PC3. meet the organisation’s standards of courtesy, behavior and efficiency
PC4. stay free from intoxicants while on duty
PC5. wear and carry organisation’s uniform and accessories correctly and smartly
Task execution as per organization’s standards:-
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. take appropriate and approved actions in line with instructions and guidelines
PC7. record details related to tasks, as per procedure
PC8. participate in workplace activities as a part of the larger team
PC9. report to supervisor immediately in case there are any work issues
PC10.use appropriate language, tone and gestures while interacting with guests from different cultural and religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender
Maintain a safe, healthy and secure working environment:-
• Enhance awareness of the responsibilities to maintain health safety and security
• Enhance awareness for performing basic first aid in case of emergencies
• Identify hazards and hospital colour coding system
• Demonstrate documentation related to safety and security
• Identify the suspicious package or items • Follow the policy and rules of the organization
• Demonstrate the skills of infection control and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Safety and first aid:-
• Describe symptoms to identify cardiac arrest, hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia and pain
• Demonstrate principles of basic life support and chest compressions
• Describe the correct protocol of chest compression, ventilation and assessment steps
• Differentiate the single rescuer and two rescuer CPR
• Describe the conditions when choking occurs
• Describe the protocol of giving life support during choking
• Describe the safety measures to prevent emergencies
• Explain triage during the emergency
• Apply triage during the emergency
• Explain the importance of first aid tools and equipment
Technical Knowledge:-
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. the evolution of the teachings and philosophy of yoga tradition and its relevance and application
KB2. introduction to patanjali yoga sutras, introduction to Bhagvad Gita, introduction to narad bhakti sutra
KB3. principles of shuddhi/ detoxification/ cleansing/ pranayama
KB4. types of yoga like ashtanga yoga with yama, niyama and other
KB5. other yogic texts like introduction to Vedas & Upnishads
KB6. range of yoga practices and their potential effects. practice may include, but are not limited to asana, pranayama, meditation, relaxation techniques, etc. such as pascimatasana, bhu naman asana, vakrasana, vajrasana, ustrasana, bhujanagasana, nilambha salbhasana, aradhakati chakrasana, aradha chakrasana, padahastana, trikonsana
KB1. yogic diet (sattvik/ sentient) and yogic lifestyle
KB2. contraindication of yoga practices for specific conditions and circumstances
KB3. human anatomy and physiology including all major systems of the body and their interrelationships
KB4. generally accepted ethical principles of health care codes of conduct and yoga’s ethical principles
KB5. applicable legislation relating to the workplace (for example health and safety, workplace regulations, use of work equipment, health hazards, handling/storage/ disposal/ cautions in the use of products/ tools/ equipment etc., fire precautions, occurrences, hygiene practice, disposal of waste