
Free Diploma In Desktop Publishing Course (DTP) (1year Diploma Course)

Associate – DTP in the IT-ITeS Industry is also known as Associate- Publishing, Agent- DTP

Brief Job Description: -This job requires the individual to put research reports into standard templates. These templates could be in flash, macromedia, acrobat or html.

Personal Attributes:- Individuals with strong command over flash, macromedia, acrobat or html are desirable, as this job requires publishing of content in these formats Desktop Publishing Course.

Provide/control access to publications Desktop Publishing Course:-

To be competent, you must be able to:

 PC1. check that publications, or specific versions of publications, are not already in your organization’s knowledge base, in order to avoid duplication

PC2. store publications in your organization’s knowledge base according to your organization’s policies, procedures and standards

PC3. check that different versions, including the most up-to-date versions, of publications are clearly indicated according to your organization’s standards for version control

PC4. provide access to publications in your organization’s knowledge base only to those who are entitled to access

 PC5. provide support to appropriate people to access publications, where required

PC6. obtain advice and guidance on storing publications, version control and access issues from appropriate people, where required

PC7. comply with your organization’s policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and service level agreements (SLAs) when providing and controlling access to publications

Publish content:-

To be competent, you must be able to:

PC1. establish clearly the requirements of the content of publications Desktop Publishing Course.

 PC2. identify any issues with the requirements and clarify these with appropriatepeople

 PC3. obtain and verify you have the correct versions of all content for publications

 PC4. manipulate content into draft publications to meet requirements using standard templates and tools

 PC5. review draft publications with appropriate people and incorporate their inputs

PC6. obtain approval of publications from appropriate people

 PC7. create outputs of publications in formats required for production teams

PC8. provide clear instructions for production teams, where required

PC9. liaise with production teams to resolve any production issues

 PC10. update your organization’s knowledge base with publications

 PC11. obtain advice and guidance on publishing content from appropriate people, where required

PC12. comply with your organization’s policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and service level agreements (SLAs) when publishing content

Manage your work to meet requirements Desktop Publishing Course:-

To be competent on the job, you must be able to:

PC1. establish and agree your work requirements with appropriate people Desktop Publishing Course.

PC2. keep your immediate work area clean and tidy

 PC3. utilize your time effectively

PC4. use resources correctly and efficiently

 PC5. treat confidential information correctly

PC6. work in line with your organization’s policies and procedures

PC7. work within the limits of your job role

PC8. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary

PC9. ensure your work meets the agreed requirements

Work effectively with colleagues Desktop Publishing Course:-

To be competent, you must be able to:

PC1. communicate with colleagues clearly, concisely and accurately

 PC2. work with colleagues to integrate your work effectively with them Desktop Publishing Course.

PC3. pass on essential information to colleagues in line with organizational requirements

PC4. work in ways that show respect for colleagues

PC5. carry out commitments you have made to colleagues

 PC6. let colleagues know in good time if you cannot carry out your commitments, explaining the reasons

PC7. identify any problems you have working with colleagues and take the initiative to solve these problems

 PC8. follow the organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues

Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment:-

To be competent, you must be able to:

 PC1. comply with your organization’s current health, safety and security policies and procedures Desktop Publishing Course.

PC2. report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security policies and procedures to the designated person

PC3. identify and correct any hazards that you can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of your authority

 PC4. report any hazards that you are not competent to deal with to the relevant person in line with organizational procedures and warn other people who may be affected

PC5. follow your organization’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

PC6. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and security to the designated person

 PC7. complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately

Provide data/information in standard formats Desktop Publishing Course:-

To be competent, you must be able to:

PC1. establish and agree with appropriate people the data/information you need to provide, the formats in which you need to provide it, and when you need to provide it

 PC2. obtain the data/information from reliable sources

PC3. check that the data/information is accurate, complete and up-to-date

PC4. obtain advice or guidance from appropriate people where there are problems with the data/information

 PC5. carry out rule-based analysis of the data/information, if required

 PC6. insert the data/information into the agreed formats

PC7. check the accuracy of your work, involving colleagues where required Desktop Publishing Course.

PC8. report any unresolved anomalies in the data/information to appropriate people

 PC9. provide complete, accurate and up-to-date data/information to the appropriate people in the required formats on time

Develop your knowledge, skills and competence Desktop Publishing Course:-

To be competent, you must be able to:

PC1. obtain advice and guidance from appropriate people to develop your knowledge, skills and competence

PC2. identify accurately the knowledge and skills you need for your job role

 PC3. identify accurately your current level of knowledge, skills and competence and any learning and development needs

 PC4. agree with appropriate people a plan of learning and development activities to address your learning needs

 PC5. undertake learning and development activities in line with your plan

PC6. apply your new knowledge and skills in the workplace, under supervision Desktop Publishing Course.

PC7. obtain feedback from appropriate people on your knowledge and skills and how effectively you apply them

PC8. review your knowledge, skills and competence regularly and take appropriate

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack (QP) will be created by the Sector Skill Council (SSC). Each performance criteria (PC) will be assigned Theory and Skill/Practical marks proportional to its importance in

 NOS. 2. The assessment will be conducted online through assessment providers authorised by SSC. 3. Format of questions will include a variety of styles suitable to the PC being tested such as multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, situational judgment test, simulation and programming test

. 4. To pass a QP, a trainee should pass each individual NOS. Standard passing criteria for each NOS is 70%. 5. For latest details on the assessment

(Provide/control access to publications):-

PC1. check that publications, or specific versions of publications, are not already in your organization’s knowledge base, in order to avoid duplication

PC2. store publications in your organization’s knowledge base according to your organization’s policies, procedures and standards

PC3. check that different versions, including the most up-to-date versions, of publications are clearly indicated according to your organization’s standards for version control Desktop Publishing Course.

PC4. provide access to publications in your organization’s knowledge base only to those who are entitled to access

PC5. provide support to appropriate people to access publications, where required

PC6. obtain advice and guidance on storing publications, version control and access issues from appropriate people, where required

PC7. comply with your organization’s policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and service level agreements (SLAs) when providing and controlling access to publications

(Publish content):-

PC1. establish clearly the requirements of the content of publications

PC2. identify any issues with the requirements and clarify these with appropriate people

PC3. obtain and verify you have the correct versions of all content for publications Desktop Publishing Course.

PC4. manipulate content into draft publications to meet requirements using standard templates and tools

PC5. review draft publications with appropriate people and incorporate their inputs

PC6. obtain approval of publications from appropriate people

PC7. create outputs of publications in formats required for production teams

PC8. provide clear instructions for production teams, where required

PC9. liaise with production teams to resolve any production issues

PC10. update your organization’s knowledge base with publications

PC11. obtain advice and guidance on publishing content from appropriate people, where required

PC12. comply with your organization’s policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and service level agreements (SLAs) when publishing content

(Manage your work to meet requirements):-

PC1. establish and agree your work requirements with appropriate people

PC2. keep your immediate work area clean and tidy

PC3. utilize your time effectively

PC4. use resources correctly and efficiently

PC5. treat confidential information correctly

PC6. work in line with your organization’s policies and procedures Desktop Publishing Course.

PC7. work within the limits of your job role

PC8. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary

PC9. ensure your work meets the agreed requirements

(Work effectively with colleagues):-

PC1. communicate with colleagues clearly, concisely and accurately

PC2. work with colleagues to integrate your work effectively with theirs

PC3. pass on essential information to colleagues in line with organizational requirements

PC4. work in ways that show respect for colleagues

PC5. carry out commitments you have made to colleagues

PC6. let colleagues know in good time if you cannot carry out your commitments, explaining the reasons

PC7. identify any problems you have working with colleagues and take the initiative to solve these problems

PC8. follow the organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues

(Maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment):-

PC1. comply with your organization’s current health, safety and security policies and procedures

PC2. report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security policies and procedures to the designated person

PC3. identify and correct any hazards that you can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of your authority

PC4. report any hazards that you are not competent to deal with to the relevant person in line with organizational procedures and warn other people who may be affected

PC5. follow your organization’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

PC6. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and security to the designated person

PC7. complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately Desktop Publishing Course.

(Provide data/information in standard formats):-

PC1. establish and agree with appropriate people the data/information you need to provide, the formats in which you need to provide it, and when you need to provide it

PC2. obtain the data/information from reliable sources

PC3. check that the data/information is accurate, complete and up-to-date

PC4. obtain advice or guidance from appropriate people where there are problems with the data/information

PC5. carry out rule-based analysis of the data/information, if required

PC6. insert the data/information into the agreed formats

PC7. check the accuracy of your work, involving colleagues where required

PC8. report any unresolved anomalies in the data/information to appropriate people

PC9. provide complete, accurate and up-to-date data/information to the appropriate people in the required formats on time

(Develop your knowledge, skills and competence):-

PC1. obtain advice and guidance from appropriate people to develop your knowledge, skills and competence

PC2. identify accurately the knowledge and skills you need for your job role

PC3. identify accurately your current level of knowledge, skills and competence and any learning and development needs

PC4. agree with appropriate people a plan of learning and development activities to address your learning needs

PC5. undertake learning and development activities in line with your plan

PC6. apply your new knowledge and skills in the workplace, under supervision

PC7. obtain feedback from appropriate people on your knowledge and skills and how effectively you apply them

PC8. review your knowledge, skills and competence regularly and take appropriate action

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company/ organization and its processes):-

You need to know and understand:

 KA1. your organization’s procedures and guidelines for developing your knowledge, skills and competence and your role and responsibilities in relation to this

KA2. the importance of developing your knowledge, skills and competence to you and your organization

KA3. different methods used by your organization to review skills and knowledge including:  ·training need analysis

·  skills need analysis

·  performance appraisals

 KA4. how to review your knowledge and skills against your job role using different methods and analysis

 KA5. different types of learning and development activities available for your job role and how to access these

KA6. how to produce a plan to address your learning and development needs, who to agree it with and the importance of undertaking the planned activities

KA7. different types of support available to help you plan and undertake learning and development activities and how to access these

KA8. why it is important to maintain records of your learning and development

KA9. methods of obtaining and accepting feedback from appropriate people on your knowledge skills and competence

KA10. how to use feedback to develop in your job role

Technical Knowledge:-

You need to know and understand:

KB1. data/information you may need to provide including the sources and how to do this

 KB2. templates and formats used for data/information including their purpose and how to use these

KB3. different techniques used to obtain data/information and how to apply

 KB4. These

 KB5. how to carry out rule-based analysis on the data/information

 KB6. typical anomalies that may occur in data/information

KB7. who to go to in the event of inaccurate data/information and how to report this

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:-

You need to know and understand how to:

 SA1. complete accurate, well written work with attention to detail

Reading Skills:-

You need to know and understand how to:

SA2. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

You need to know and understand how to: SA3. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately

Professional Skills:- You need to know and understand how to:

 SB1. follow rule-based decision-making processes

SB2. make a decision on a suitable course of action

Plan and Organize:- You need to know and understand how to:

SB3. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines

Customer Centricity:-

You need to know and understand how to:

 SB4. check that your own work meets customer requirements

SB5. meet and exceed customer expectations

Problem Solving:- You need to know and understand how to:

SB6. apply problem solving approaches in different situations

Analytical Thinking:- You need to know and understand how to:

 SB7. configure data and disseminate relevant information to others

Critical Thinking:-

You need to know and understand how to:

SB8. apply balanced judgments to different situations

Attention to Detail:-

You need to know and understand how to:

 SB9. check your work is complete and free from errors

 SB10. get your work checked by peers

Team Working:- You need to know and understand how to:

SB11. work effectively in a team environment

Technical Skills:-

You need to know and understand how to:

 SC1. use information technology effectively, to input and/or extract data accurately

 SC2. validate and update data

SC3. identify and refer anomalies in data

SC4. store and retrieve information

SC5. share information using standard formats and templates

SC6. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role