Account Director
Account Director

The Advertising Agency for Media & Entertainment Industry also known as the Client Service Director Brief Job Description: Employees are responsible for managing your personal portfolio of personalized advertising portfolio: This job requires one to manage client advertising portfolios by defining media programs and campaigns. and to evaluate their effectiveness. The person in charge oversees the work of the account managers, ensuring that customer needs are understood and acted upon Account Director.
Keep apprised with developments in the industry Account Director:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. view any changes or updates in the PC2 market. Understand the market, its various features and how it affects the organization PC3. identify new opportunities in the PC4 market. analyze how these opportunities can be linked to the benefit of the PC5 organization. identify who are their competitors, who their major clients are and how their work changes Identify the information needed to perform PC6 work. extract key facts from formal and informal sources and analyze how the PC7 organization can be used. participate in forums and discussions so that they can keep abreast of any new changes in industry / practices made by PC8. keep up to date with the rules and any other regulations that may apply to the organization Identifying new innovations and future developments that can help the organization or clients PC9. Keep track of any changes in the industry and how they can be transformed into a viable opportunity for PC10. Research the market and predict what strong trends could affect the organization in any way PC11.keep-to-date with any changes in policies that could affect client business
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. brand and the market situation of the KA2 organization. organizational skills, culture, methods and techniques for mixing KA3. the various business activities in the organization and the various aspects related to the role of the employee Account Director
B. Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. foundations for advertising and marketing KB2. how to briefly prepare trading teams or KB3 accounts. how to present a concept / concept to a client KB4. how to present final storage products KB5. applicable legal and regulatory requirements
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. briefly summarize the concept and its impact on SA2. briefly prepare for industry trends and how it can affect the SA3 client. prepare customer reports and submissions, as required by SA4. prepare a presentation on internal sector trends Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. read and interpret all relevant research information Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. liaise with the client and internal parties and ensure that previous requirements are understood and properly implemented by the final SA7. discuss and complete the change
about industry trends and how to use SA8. reviewing and presenting final data to relevant groups B. Professional and Organized Skills Program The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. arrange discussions / meetings with customers or internal groups where there is a need to analyze SB2 market trends. store information so you can easily access it if you need it Customer Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB3. ensure that the information collected is relevant to their clients and business Troubleshooting The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB4. addressing potential problems as a result of changes in the industry and minimizing the impact it may have on the organization’s decision. The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB5. identify ways to keep up to date with changes in your organization, your competitors ‘and your customers’ products, services and thought processes Analytical The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB6. extract key facts from formal and informal sources and analyze them to be useful to you. Critical Thinking A user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. point to new innovations and upcoming developments in advertising that can benefit your SB8 clients. be aware of the laws, regulations, and guidelines that govern advertising and marketing Account Director

Understanding the requirements and creative goals of the client Account Director:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. research and understand the creative brief found in advertiser PC2. organize client meetings / discussions to promote dialogue and a clear understanding of customer needs and creative goals, as required by PC3. share and collect information from the client so that you can create effective advertising solutions, as required by PC4. liaising with internal parties to analyze and agree on what work products need to be done according to PC5 customer requirements. respond to feedback and changes in creative requirements
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. the advertising process was followed by the KA2 agency. clients advertising the budget, vision and objectives of KA3. customer marketing program and campaign
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. foundations for advertising and marketing KB2. listening to and understanding customer needs and objectives KB3. how to ask the right questions and collect information KB4. how to discuss, exclude and clarify client intentions and creative ideas, where appropriate KB5. how to present an idea / idea to a client and ask permission for it KB6. the production costs of various ads in mediums, and their equality with the client requires KB7. applicable legal and regulatory requirements
A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills Account Director:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. detailed information on customer needs and objectives Learning skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. read media advertiser program and campaign details Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. liaise with the client and creative / creative and creative teams and ensure that prerequisites are understood and well implemented by the Business Skills Plan and Planning The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB1. ensure that advertising products are prepared and presented in accordance with the prescribed customer requirements and creative objectives Solving Problems The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB2. identify problems with effective performance and take steps to overcome them. Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB3. set clear expectations of what advertising can or should not achieve at the beginning of agreements with SB4 customers. reach an agreement with customers regarding customer care standards before the sale is agreed upon. Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB5. Analyze and evaluate completed advertising against customer satisfaction, time taken to award contract and revenue collected from your organization Making a decision A user / employee needs to know and understand: SB6. keep in touch with customers even if it is not immediately possible customer sales The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. deal with changes during campaigns in a way that meets the needs of your organization while maintaining good customer relationships Account Director
Manage delivery of work products:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. oversees the preparation of final operating products to meet the needs of PC2 customers. select the appropriate presentation method to be transmitted to PC3. Troubleshoot and manage any issues that may arise during the preparation of PC4 work products. obtain permission, or contact senior staff (eg Artistic Director) for final work products, if appropriate Provide PC5 maintenance products. introduces final products, and how client needs are met via PC6. consult a product-specific journey – the basis for decisions, tool selection, strategies, communication methods etc. make clear any assumptions and uncertainties of PC8. reply to feedback on any changes requested Account Director
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. clients advertising the budget, vision and objectives of KA2. customer marketing program and KA3 campaign. industry norms and standards in delivering KA4 work products. products / services offered by your organization unlike those of its competitors KA5. organizational policies for creating presentations / work products, including final product format, readability, priorities and terms of service for different clients of KA6. departments within the organization that can provide information and assist in product preparation
B. Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. foundations for advertising and marketing KB2. how to briefly prepare creative / artistic groups and build KB3. how to present original ideas / ideas about a product of work to a client and ask for its approval KB4. production costs of various advertisements in medi5 KB5. how to choose the most effective presentation formats, tools and KB6 techniques. how to present end product products and communicate how client’s creative goals and vision met KK7. applicable legal and regulatory requirements

A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. overseeing the preparation of end products that incorporate the client’s perspective and meet the needs Learning skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. read advertiser news section and campaign details Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. communicate with the client and ensure that interim ideas and operating products are in line with SA4’s creative needs and objectives. communicate customer intentions and vision with the arts / crafts team and build SA5. reviewing and presenting the latest advertising products to the client B. Professional Skills and Planning Program The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. ensure that promotional products are prepared and presented to the client within the Customer Centricity commitment period The user / employee must know and understand that: SB2. ensure that the final advertising product meets the stated objectives and is agreed with the client Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB3. identify problems with effective performance and take steps to overcome them Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB4. make appropriate decisions regarding the location of work products such as production strategies, formats, authorizations, etc. Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB5. they measure the quality of work products to ensure that they comply with the expected quality standards and suggest areas for improvement, if necessary Critical Analysis The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB6. analyze the various factors that contribute to the delivery of work products Account Director
Maintain workplace health and safety Account Director:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. understand and follow current PC2 health, safety and security policies and procedures. understand the safe working methods of your PC3 work. understand government health practices and policies relating to health and safety including emergency medical procedures, accidents, fires or anything else that may involve the removal of a PC4 site. participate in the planning of health and safety information and exercise sessions Awareness of health and safety personnel and available PC5 resources. identify people in charge of occupational health and safety, including those you can contact in the event of an emergency PC6. identify security signals e.g. fire alarms and facilities such as stairs, fire station stations, first aid and medical rooms Detection and reporting of PC7 hazards. identify your workplace risk factors and PC8 health and safety. ensure your own health and safety, as well as that of others at work or any PC9 monitoring measures. identify and recommend opportunities for improving the health, safety, and security of the PC10 nominee. report any risks outside the jurisdiction of the person to the appropriate person in accordance with organizational procedures and warn other people who may be affected. Follow procedures in the event of an emergency PC11. follow the organization’s emergency procedures for accidents, fires or other natural disasters in the event of a dangerous PC12. identify and fix hazards such as illness, accidents, fires and anything else Account Director

Organizational Contexts:
(Information User / on-duty need to know and understand: KA1. Organizational policies and policies relating to health and safety KA2. Government health and safety practices and policies and procedures related to emergency KA3. in the workplace of the company / organization and its processes)
B. Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various types of health and safety hazards in the KB2 workplace. secure operating systems for your KB3 function. Exit processes and other programs to deal with KB4 risk. names and contact numbers of people in charge of health and safety in the workplace KB5. how to call for medical help and emergency services, where KB6 is required. instructions from vendors or manufacturers to maintain health and safety while using equipment, systems and / or equipment Account Director
A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. writing and providing health and safety feedback to affected persons SA2. writing and highlighting potential risks or reporting risk to the people involved Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read instructions, policies, procedures and procedures relating to health and safety Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. highlight the potential risks and report risks to SA5 nominees. listen to and communicate information with anyone involved or affected by B. Practicing Professional Skills To make a user / person on the job need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make the right decisions to make or plan Organize and plan A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB2. planning and organizing people and resources to address the risks / risks to the individual’s authority Solving Problems A user / employee needs to know and understand: SB3. apply problem-solving strategies in a variety of situations Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB4. understand the risks that fall under individual authority and report all potential risks to personal compliance SB5. use balanced judgment in a variety of situations Customer Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB6. build and maintain good and effective relationships with colleges and customers Analytical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. analyze data and functions Account Director

Guidelines for Assessment:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay
down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each. - The assessment for the theory & Practical part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created
by the AA and approved by SSC Account Director. - Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate
at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below) - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/training center based on this criteria. - To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% cumulatively (Theory
and Practical) Account Director. - In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack