Art Director (Animation And Gaming)

Art Director

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Arts and Entertainment Director is the project manager for the Department of Arts and Design. Short Description: The people in this project need to think about the artistic vision and style of the product and ensure that all art objects are compatible. . One must be able to develop original and constructive ideas and align the team’s efforts with a creative idea Art Director.

Understanding the script Art Director:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. understand the art and communication principles of the script, short or on-board about individual role PC2. know the target audience for the medium and the target, and how this might affect PC3 animation processes. understand the factors associated with the construction structure (appearance, color, dress, feelings, personality, expressions etc.) PC4. understand the needs according to the text (number, types, duplicates etc.) according to the role of the individual and its requirements PC5. understand domain specifications and other factors (size, performance parameters etc.) depending on the individual role and its PC6 requirements. understand the technical requirements of the project in relation to the role of the work (television, film, games, internet, DVD etc.) PC7. comprehension of conceptual understanding, which can be self-made, briefly provided, or accessed in discussions with relevant staff (Director, Producing Officer etc. Contacting the team to improve PC8 comprehension, animation manager etc.) Art Director

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

KA1. the concept of art and materials related to the role of KA2 work. pipeline / project schedule and time
about the role of the individual KA3. the intended purpose / ultimate use of models / design that needs to be done by each individual

B. Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. animation principles KB2. how to test the script and its artistic and communication purposes KB3. how to extract and interpret relevant information about script view KB4. how to discuss and understand relevant details about the concept concept from relevant staff (art director, producers, photography manager etc.) KB5. how to research and access background information that will improve KB6 conceptual understanding. applicable copyright and intellectual property rights KB7. practical health and safety guidelines Art Director

A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills Art Director:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. document notes while understanding the concepts, requirements and specifications made during the Product Learning process The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. read and understand script / summary / news board SA3. research links, videos, artwork and more that can be used as indicators of oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. understand the concept in the middle of the script. B. Professional Skills and Planning Program The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB1. analyze the required tasks and estimate the time required for each task, in order to manage the assigned task and access it to the schedules provided Troubleshooting The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB2. analyze the various aspects of the script and function that may be required in relation to the role of the person Making a Decision The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB3. break the scriptures
upper and lower case. Customer Area The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB4. check that your work meets customer / project needs Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB5. see characters that will be developed as script update Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB6. he has a keen eye for detail

Conceptualize the creative style:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. understand the story / concept and think of different ideas for creative PC2 styles. decide the final style style of the target audience to approve creative PC3 creative materials. allow all production items produced by team members within the arts department, and ensure they are in line with the artistic vision Maintain consistency and consistency in all PC4 scenes. ensure that the final appearance is consistent with the agreed appearance, and continuity is maintained throughout the production

Supercell on Twitter: "We are looking for an “Art Director” to join us! We  won't call you “Art Director” though, we will call you the same thing we  call all our creative

A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Art Director:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. profile and popularity of target audience KA2. the purpose and results of the product ie marketing success, community service, information dissemination, audience engagement etc. KA3. production budget and times

B. Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. visual diagrams and layout diagrams KB2. principles of construction of KB3. principles of visual construction KB4. foundations of Indian art and crafts Art Director

KB5. styles and sources of performance indicators related to the style and technology required to produce KB6. how to improve original and constructive ideas to set the creative look of the KB7 product. technical requirements for the scale at which the product will be displayed KB8. how to work on software like adobe photoshop, gimp, coral artist etc. KB9. research sources and reference for KB10. how to measure creative features in line with budget KB11. applicable copyright and intellectual property rights KB12. practical health and safety guidelines

What Does a Graphic Designer Do?

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. descriptions of texts in style, to assist in presenting to the Director and Producer SA2. write a brief design that will be used as a reference document for SA3 team members. use basic office tools such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Skills Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. read and understand the script to find the requirements of style SA5. research the profile and characteristics of the target audience, industry, genre, region, culture etc. SA6. stay informed of trends and performance products that attract a wide variety of SA7 audiences. links to research, videos, art etc. that can be used as references during the SA8 production process. research styles and looking to create a creative style Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SA9. communication in English SA10. describe and discuss the art style with the Director and Manufacturer and request their feedback SA11. discuss issues that will affect the production process with the Director and Manufacturer B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB1. fill in the color palette based on safe color distribution gradients e.g. non-hot / bleeding shades on SB2 screen. complete the SB3 color scheme. complete SB4 lighting keys. complete the look and feel of the whole system in consultation with the Planning and Planning Director The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB5. planning and focusing on the work according to the needs and timeframe agreed Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. identify any creative problems that may arise during production and find solutions to deal with them Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB7. consider the impact of creative appearance on production budget, technical performance, creative requirements and process Critical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB8. they measure the quality of work to ensure it complies with the expected quality standards and recommend areas for improvement and recycling, if required by Customer Centricity SB9. design and reflect on changes or revisions in the story or characters Art Director

Manage the production process:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. understand and research the various production styles, technologies and methods, and their implications for the budget, timeline, characterization of PC2 characters and staff. divide the production process into a daily / weekly list of tasks and manage these tasks during PC3 recording. identify and disassemble as many PC4 resources as possible. design workflow processes that the group can follow View and manage PC5 production process. lead the production unit in successfully completing their PC6 operations. track progress compared to production schedule and budget PC7. we anticipate potential delays / budget breaches, increase this to relevant departments / managers and identify mitigation measures

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. various roles and responsibilities within the group, including KA2 line management. budget and other issues applicable to KA3. basic organizational policies that could affect the KA4 production process. the role and contribution of key departments during filming, trust and reporting structures Art Director

B. Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the process of determining the budget and program of KB2. processes for identifying the risks of producing and installing unexpected systems KB3. production processes that can be aligned with the current KB4 project. the types of tools and resources that KB5 may need. how to identify the people and skills that may be required in the KB6 project. various roles and responsibilities within the group, including the administration of KB7. how can you check in terms of production schedule that all operations have been delivered, if required KB8. how to contact the relevant staff / unit heads to ensure that all the necessary building materials and procedures are in place

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. descriptions of texts in style, to assist in presenting to the Director and Producer SA2. documentation documents and a schedule that will be used as a document for team members, as appropriate reading skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read and understand a product summary or script to find out SA4 requirements. research links, videos, art etc. that can be used as indicators during the production process Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. explain and discuss the production process with the Director, Manufacturer, heads of relevant departments etc. and request their SA6 response. discuss issues that will affect the production process with the Director and Manufacturer

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. complete the color palette based on safe color distribution gradients (eg hot / non-screen shades) SB2. complete the SB3 color scheme. fill in the SB4 lighting keys. complete the look and feel of the whole product in consultation with the Director and the Manufacturer and Planning Plan The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB5. how to adjust the work schedule / sequence of tasks to help the production unit plan their daily work, as appropriate SB6. how to create an emergency plan based on knowledge of common areas of delays / overcrowding and production hazards Troubleshooting The user / employee needs to know and

understand: SB7. identify any problems with production processes and resolve them in consultation with the relevant members of the Analytical Thinking Production Unit The user / person in the workplace needs to know and understand: SB8. consider the impact of creative appearance on production budget, technological performance, creative requirements and process Critical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB9. they measure the quality of production to ensure it complies with the expected quality standards and raises areas for improvement. Customer Area The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB10. Usage patterns and target audience preferences.

Maintain workplace health and safety Art Director:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. maintain a person’s condition and position to reduce fatigue and any risk of PC2 injury. keep the first aid kit and keep yourself updated with PC3 first aid procedures. identify and record potential hazards such as sitting down while using a computer, eye fatigue and other hazards in the PC4 workspace. save accident reports PC5. report health / safety hazards / safety to affected employees PC6. participate in the organization’s health and safety and exercise programs Getting to know the health and safety personnel and resources available for PC7. identify people in charge of occupational health and safety, including those you can contact in the event of an emergency PC8. identify security signals e.g. fire alarms and facilities such as stairs, fire station stations, first aid and medical rooms Detection and reporting of PC9 hazards. identify your workplace risk factors and PC10 health and safety. ensuring personal health and safety, and that of others in the workplace through PC11 monitoring measures. identify and recommend opportunities to improve the health, safety, and security of the PC12 nominee. report any risks outside the jurisdiction of the person to the appropriate person in accordance with organizational procedures and warn other people who may be affected Art Director

A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. Organizational practices and policies relating to health and safety KA2. Government health and safety practices and policies and related emergency procedures KA3. authority limits while dealing with risks / risks KA4. the importance of maintaining high standards of health and safety at work

B. Technical Knowledge Art Director:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various types of health and safety hazards in the KB2 workplace. secure operating systems for your KB3 function. Exit processes and other programs to deal with KB4 risk. names and contact numbers of people in charge of health and safety in the workplace KB5. how to call for medical help and emergency services, where KB6 is required. instructions from vendors or manufacturers to maintain health and safety while using equipment, systems and / or equipment Art Director

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. writing and providing health and safety feedback to affected persons SA2. writing and highlighting potential risks or reporting risk to the people involved Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read instructions, policies, procedures and procedures regarding health and safety Art Director

Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. highlight the potential risks and report risks to SA5 nominees. listen to and communicate information with anyone involved or affected by B. Practicing Professional Skills To make a user / person on the job need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make the right decisions to make or plan Organize and plan A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB2. planning and organizing people and resources to address the risks / risks to the individual’s authority Solving Problems A user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB3. apply problem-solving strategies in a variety of situations Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB4. understand the risks that fall under individual authority and report all potential risks to personal compliance SB5. use balanced judgment in a variety of situations Customer Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB6. build and maintain good and effective relationships with colleges and customers Analytical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. analyze data and activities Art Director

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council.
    Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC
    will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
  2. The assessment for the theory & Practical part will be based on knowledge bank of questions
    created by the AA and approved by SSC.
  3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each Art Director
    candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below) Art Director
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student Art Director
    at each examination/training center based on this criteria.
  5. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% cumulatively
    (Theory and Practical).
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