Search Engine Marketing Executive ( 6 month course)
Search Engine Marketing Executive click here
Brief Job Description: Individuals in this job are responsible for managing all paid
search campaigns on all major search engine networks. They are responsible for
setting up pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and execute activities such as keyword
research, advertisement copies creation, keywords bidding, set-up of advertisement
extensions etc. to drive relevant paid traffic to the website or landing pages.

Personal Attributes: The individual must have good written and oral communication
skills. The person should be a quick learner with an ability to comprehend and
communicate information effectively. The individual is also required to have good
analytical and quantitative skills to be able to interpret and analyze the campaign
Advertisement Rank Advertisement rank is a value determined by Google that determines the
position and location on a page where your advertisements are shown.
Advertisement Campaign
A set of advertisement groups that contain ads, keywords and bids. You
can have one or multiple advertisement campaigns.
Advertisement Group A set of keywords, ads, bids, placements and targeting methods. Each
advertisement campaign contains one or more advertisement groups.
Advertisement Extension
A feature that allows you to display extra information about your business
in your ads, such as address, phone number, additional site links, reviews,
product images and more.
Bounce Rate The percentage of website visitors who leave without visiting another page
on that website. Bounce rates range widely depending on industry and
niche. Although bounce rate can indicate potential content or website
issues, it is not a direct ranking factor, according to Google.
Bid The maximum amount you are willing to spend per click for advertisement
groups or individual keywords.
Conversion When someone clicks on your advertisement and completes a desired
action, such as a purchase or sign up.
Conversion Rate It is the percentage of users who clicked your advertisement and
completed one of your desired actions that you have counted as a
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
Cost-per-acquisition is the cost of your total advertisement spends divided
by the number of conversions.
Click-Through Rate
The rate (expressed in a percentage) at which users click on an organic
search result. This is calculated by dividing the total number of organic
clicks by the total number of impressions then multiplying by 100.
Cost Per Click (CPC) Cost-per-click is a type of bidding wherein you pay for each click on your
ads. You specify your CPC bids depending on how much you are willing to
pay for each click your advertisement receives.
Landing Page The webpage where people who click your advertisement will be taken
after clicking on your ad. This page is typically the same one entered into
your destination URL.
Quality Score A key metric that tells you how relevant your advertisements, keywords
and landing page are to someone who sees your ad.
Inbound Link A link to a webpage that originates from an external website.
Split Test Creating a new advertisement based on a winning advertisement with a
slight variation to see which performs better.
Daily Budget The amount you choose for each advertisement campaign to tell Google
how much you want to spend each day.
Meta Tags Information that appears in the HTML source code of a webpage to
describe its contents to search engines. The title tag and meta description
are the most commonly used types of meta tags in SEO.
Outbound Link A link that directs visitors to a page on a different website than the one
they are currently on.
Page Speed The amount of time it takes for a webpage to completely load. Page speed
is ranking factor.
Query The word, words, or phrase that a user enters into a search engine
Rank Where a webpage appears within the organic search results for a specific
Impression The number of times your advertisement is shown. An impression is
counted every time your advertisement is shown on a search engine result
Impression Share This is the number of impressions your advertisements have received
divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to
Negative Match A keyword match type that prevents your advertisement from firing for a
certain word or phrase.
Responsive Website A website designed to automatically adapt to a user’s screen size, whether
it’s being viewed on a desktop or mobile device.
Remarketing A feature that allows you to reach people who have previously visited your

Keyword Keywords are terms that are relevant to your business offering which you
want your advertisements to appear for in the search results.
Invalid Clicks Clicks made by the advertiser themselves, malicious activity from
competitors or robots are classified as invalid clicks. Advertisers are not
charged for any invalid clicks.
Destination URL It is the URL of your landing page where you are sending your users once
they click on your ad.
Sector Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar
businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the
economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.
Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the
characteristics and interests of its components.
Vertical Vertical may exist within a sub-sector representing different domain areas
or the client industries served by the industry.
Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of
functions in an industry
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the
sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person
or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional analysis
and form the basis of OS.
Sub-functions Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfill the achieving the
objectives of the function.
Job role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
employment opportunity in an organization.
Occupational Standards
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when
carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and
understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. Occupational
Standards are applicable both in the Indian and global contexts.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard of
performance required when carrying out a task
National Occupational
Standards (NOS)
NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Qualifications Pack
Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
qualifications pack.
Qualifications Pack(QP) Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the educational,
training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A Qualifications
Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Unit Code Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is
denoted by an ‘N’.
Unit Title Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should
be able to do.
Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be
helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.
Scope Scope is the set of statements specifying the range of variables that an
individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have a
critical impact on the quality of performance required.
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the
technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that
an individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Organizational Context Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured and
how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers
have of their relevant areas of responsibility.
Technical Knowledge Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish
specific designated responsibilities.
Core Skills/Generic
Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning and
working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work
environment. In the context of the OS, these include communication
related skills that are applicable to most job roles.
Keywords/Terms Description
NOS National Occupational Standard (s)
QP Qualifications Pack
NSQF National Skill Qualifications Framework
NVEQF National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework
NVQF National Vocational Qualifications Framework
Research and identify target keywords
Description This OS unit is about creating the list of keywords to target for pay-per-click (PPC)
campaigns after carrying out the research
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
• Perform keyword research
• Create final list of target keywords for bidding
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Perform keyword research
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. create a list of products / services provided by the company
PC2. list out search terms that potential customers might use to search for those
products / services in search engines
PC3. identify the right target keywords by using the available keyword research tools
PC4. evaluate the keywords by their relevancy, search volume, bid amount and
Create final list of target keywords for bidding
PC5. prepare the final list of keywords by using the quantitative data provided by
keyword research tools including the key stats like search volume, bid
amount and competition
PC6. identify the keywords with high commercial intent which is more likely to
generate new leads or sales
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. company’s products / services offerings and positioning within the industry
KA2. primary target audience of the company for each product / service
KA3. roles and responsibilities of each team member within the marketing
KA4. the people to co-ordinate with, to approve and finalize the search engine
marketing plan
KA5. existing digital marketing efforts along with the campaign’s performance
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
KB1. work with the keyword research tools
KB2. do the competitor analysis and identify keywords they are targeting for their
pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns
KB3. find the estimated bid amount and search volume of a keyword
KB4. identify the keywords with high commercial intent
KB5. identify the brand and long-tail keywords
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. create report with the analysis of each keyword in terms of their cost-per click, click-through rate and conversions
SA2. compile traffic analysis report with the breakup of traffic from different
channels like direct, paid, organic, social and referral
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. stay abreast with the latest trends and best practices for search engine
SA4. be updated with the ongoing changes and release of new campaign features
by search engines
SA5. monitor competitor’s advertisements in search results for the targeted
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. communicate and collaborate with team members for development of
landing page to be used in campaigns
SA7. present report and analysis on campaign performance to the stakeholders
B. Professional Skills Decision making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. decide on which keywords need to be targeted based on quantitative data
and company’s focus area and objectives
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan the activities, project workflow and timelines in accordance with the
campaign requirements and objectives
SB3. organize and interpret data in a detailed and organized manner for the future use
SB4. manage and meet project / task deadlines successfully
Problem Solving

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB5. identify issues which are affecting the performance of the pay-per-click (PPC)
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB6. how to analyze the data and find out the best opportunities while doing
competitor analysis and carrying out keyword research
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. analyze keywords search volume, estimated bid amount and its competition
to determine if it is a right keyword to target
Set-up pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns
Description This OS unit is about setting up the pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns in search
networks to drive relevant paid traffic.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Create advertisement groups
Create advertisement copies
Organize target keywords
Set-up advertisement extensions
Set-up conversion tracking based on the campaign goals
Set-up keyword bidding and daily budget for the campaigns
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria Create advertisement groups
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. create campaign structure and decide the number of advertisement
groups required in a campaign
PC2. create advertisement groups and add associated keywords to be targeted in it
PC3. create text advertisement copies including the destination URL under
each advertisement group
Create advertisement copies
PC4. create effective advertisement copies using the headlines and description elements
PC5. split-test multiple advertisement copies to optimize campaign’s performance
Organize target keywords
PC6. organize the related keywords with common theme into one group
PC7. set-up and add the grouped keywords in their respective advertisement groups
Set-up advertisement extensions
PC8. identify relevant advertisement extensions that can be added to the
PC9. set-up advertisement extensions for the campaigns to improve
Set-up conversion tracking based on the campaign goals
PC10. identify the goals of the campaign such as new leads or sales etc.
PC11. add tracking pixels on the website to set-up the conversion tracking
Set-up keyword bidding and daily budget for the campaigns
PC12. set-up the bidding method such as manual or automated based on the
campaign objectives
PC13. set-up the daily budget to define the daily expenditure level for each
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. company’s products / services offerings and positioning within the
KA2. primary target audience of the company for each product / service
KA3. roles and responsibilities of each team member within the marketing
KA4. people to co-ordinate with, to approve and finalize the search engine
marketing plan
KA5. existing digital marketing efforts along with the campaign’s performance
B. Technical Knowledge The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
KB1. use campaign dashboard of search engine networks
KB2. target audience by their demographics and location
KB3. set-up different advertisement extensions such as price extension etc.
KB4. create different advertisement groups within a campaign
KB5. target keywords by their match such as exact, bro advertisement and
KB6. add negative keywords at the campaign or advertisement group level
KB7. set-up keyword bidding and define daily campaign budgets
KB8. set-up destination and display URLs for each ad
KB9. set-up conversion tracking to track the conversions
Skills (S)
Writing Skills
A. Core Skills/ Generic
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. create effective advertisement copies based on the need of the target
SA2. create campaign performance report for sharing it with the stakeholders

Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. stay abreast with the latest trends and best practices for search engine
SA4. be updated with the ongoing changes in paid campaign features and
SA5. advertisement and understand the data provided by the pay-per-click
(PPC) campaign dashboards
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. communicate and collaborate with team members for developing landing
SA7. present the analysis and campaign’s performance report to the key
B. Professional Skills Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to plan and prioritize the campaigns setup based on the order of
their importance
SB2. how to manage and meet project / task deadlines successfully
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. analyze the advertisement spends and conversion rates of each campaign
Decision making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. decide on which keywords need to be added and which one needs to be
removed based on their performance
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. analyze issues related to the advertisements not showing up for certain
keywords and conversions not being tracked and resolve it
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. analyze the data to find best performing keywords for bidding
Track campaign performance and prepare reports
Description This OS unit is about tracking the performance of search engine marketing
campaigns and preparing the reports.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
• Create reports on campaign performance
• Compare performance with competitors
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Create reports on campaign performance
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. measure the average cost per click, click-through ratio, conversion rates,
total spends, cost per acquisition and ROI for each campaign
PC2. track the performance at the keyword level and identify the best and worst
performing keywords
PC3. analyze and compare the performance of brand versus non-brand keyword
PC4. create a report summarizing the performance of pay-per-click (PPC)
campaigns for the stakeholders
Compare performance with competitors
PC5. run the auction insight report to get the competitor comparison statistics
such as impression share, average advertisement position etc.
PC6. create competitor comparison report using the data available in auction
insights to analyze campaign’s performance
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. company’s products / services offerings and positioning within the industry
KA2. primary target audience of the company for each product / service
KA3. roles and responsibilities of each team member within the marketing
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
KB1. run auction insights report in the campaign dashboard
KB2. get key performance statistics such as cost per click, click-through rate, cost
per acquisition, conversion rates etc. from campaign dashboard
KB3. work with MS Excel to maintain tracking data and create reports
KB4. work with MS PowerPoint to create the analysis summary for the
Skills (S) (Optional)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document the data provided by the pay-per-click campaign dashboard and
create the campaign performance report
SA2. create the summary report for the performance of campaigns for the
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. advertisement and analyze the campaign data provided by the
advertisement platforms
SA4. re advertisement and understand the data provided by the available web
analytics tools
SA5. stay abreast with the latest trends and best practices for search engine
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. collaborate with relevant people in the team to collect all the data to prepare
reports and presentations
SA7. present the campaign performance report to the stakeholders
SA8. present the website traffic and conversion report to the stakeholders
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. decide upon the frequency of reports so that it can be planned and created
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. analyze and interpret the quantitative data from the advertisement platforms
and web analytics tools
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB3. plan the timelines and frequency of the reports and presentations
Problem solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. address comments on final reports and presentations and make the changes

Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. analyze the impact of different targeting audience options and advertisement
formats on the effectiveness of the campaigns
Maintain workplace health and safety
Description This OS unit is about contributing towards maintaining a healthy, safe and secure
working environment
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Understanding the health, safety and security risks prevalent in the workplace
Knowing the people responsible for health and safety and the resources available
Identifying and reporting risks
Complying with procedures in the event of an emergency
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Understanding the health, safety and security risks prevalent in the workplace
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. maintain one’s posture and position to minimize fatigue and the risk of injury
PC2. maintain first aid kit and keep oneself updated on the first aid procedures
PC3. identify and document potential risks like siting postures while using
computer, eye fatigue and other hazards in the workplace
PC4. accurately maintain accident reports
PC5. report health and safety risks/ hazards to concerned personnel
PC6. participate in organization health and safety knowledge sessions and drills
Knowing the people responsible for health and safety and the resources available
PC7. identify the people responsible for health and safety in the workplace,
including those to contact in case of an emergency
PC8. identify security signals e.g. fire alarms and places such as staircases, fire
warden stations, first aid and medical rooms
Identifying and reporting risks
PC9. identify aspects of your workplace that could cause potential risk to own and
others health and safety
PC10. ensure own personal health and safety, and that of others in the workplace
though precautionary measures
PC11. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and
security to the designated person
PC12. report any hazards outside the individual’s authority to the relevant person in
line with organizational procedures and warn other people who may be
Complying with procedures in the event of an emergency
PC13. follow organization’s emergency procedures for accidents, fires or any other
natural calamity in case of a hazard
PC14. identify and correct risks like illness, accidents, fires or any other natural
calamity safely and within the limits of individual’s authority
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organization’s norms and policies relating to health and safety
KA2. government norms and policies regarding health and safety and related
emergency procedures
KA3. limits of authority while dealing with risks/ hazards
KA4. importance of maintaining high standards of health and safety at a workplace
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. different types of health and safety hazards in a workplace
KB2. safe working practices for own job role
KB3. evacuation procedures and other arrangements for handling risks
KB4. names and contact numbers of people responsible for health and safety in a
KB5. how to summon medical assistance and the emergency services, where
KB6. vendors’ or manufacturers’ instructions for maintaining health and safety
while using equipment’s, systems and/or machines
Skills (S) (Optional)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. write and provide feedback regarding health and safety to the concerned
SA2. write and highlight potential risks or report a hazard to the concerned people
Reading Skills

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. readvertisement instructions, policies, procedures and norms relating to
health and safety
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. Highlight potential risks and report hazards to the designated people
SA5. Listen and communicate information with all concerned or affected
B. Professional Skills Decision making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions on a suitable course of action or plan
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan and organize people and resources to deal with risks/ hazards that lie
within the scope of one’s individual authority
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. build and maintain positive and effective relationships with colleagues and
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. apply problem solving approaches in different situations
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. analyze data and activities
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. understand hazards that fall within the scope of individual authority and
report all hazards that may supersede one’s authority
SB7. apply balanced judgements in different situations