Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Brief Job Description: An Agri Commodity Fumigation Operator is responsible for
assessing and preparing worksite for fumigation, preparing equipments for
fumigation, applying and monitoring fumigation and ensuring fumigation work
site is well organized in terms of safety and hygiene.
Personal Attributes: An Agri Commodity Fumigation Operator must have the
ability to plan and organize. The individual must possess decent reading and
writing skills. In addition, the individual must have stamina and professional Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar business and
interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the economy whose components
share similar characteristics and interests.
Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the characteristics and interests
of its components.
Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of functions in an
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the sector, occupation,
or an area of work, which can be carried out by a person or a group of persons. Functions
are identified through functional analysis and form the basis of OS.
Sub-function Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfil the achieving the objectives of the
Job role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique employment
opportunity in an organisation.
Occupational Standards Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a
function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding they need to
meet that standard consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.
Performance Criteria Performance criteria are statements that together specify the standard of performance
required when carrying out a task. Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
National Occupational
Standards (OS)
NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian context.
Qualifications Pack (QP) QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and other criteria
required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique qualifications pack code.
Unit Code Unit code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is denoted by an ‘N’
Unit Title Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be able to do.
Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful to anyone
searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS they are looking for.
Scope Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an individual may have
to deal with in carrying out the function which have a critical impact on quality of Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
performance required.
Knowledge and
Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Knowledge and understanding are statements which together specify the technical,
generic, professional and organisational specific knowledge that an individual needs in
order to perform to the required standard. Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Organisational Context Organisational context includes the way the organisation is structured and how it
operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have of their relevant
areas of responsibility. Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Technical Knowledge Technical knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish specific designated
responsibilities. Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Core Skills/ Generic Skills Core skills or generic skills are a group of skills that are the key to learning and working in
today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment in today’s world.
These skills are typically needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these
include communication related skills that are applicable to most job Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
This OS unit is about assessing and preparing the worksite for fumigation and
identifying type of fumigation method to be used
This unit/task covers the following:
Assess work site
Prepare work site for fumigation
Identify type and method of fumigation
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Assess work site To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC1. identify hazards and control risks at work site according to company Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
PC2. assess general layout of worksite, connecting structures, adjascent structures
and escpae routes above and below the ground
PC3. determine size and usage pattern of work site to ensure safety of personnel
and efficient use of equipment and fumigantsAgra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
PC4. assess work site for access and security arrangements, according to company
PC5. assign separate storage spaces for different types of commodities
PC6. ensure all hazardous goods and commodities requiring different preservation
methods are stored in separate godowns
PC7. check accessibility to nearest telephone or other communication facilities
Prepare work site for Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC8. advise appropriate personnel in adjoining properties, regulatory and other
relevant authorities about the proposed fumigation according to company
PC9. install signage and barriers, as required, to maximise protection of public
health and safety during fumigation according to company requirements
PC10. implement security measures to control unauthorised access to work site
during fumigation according to manufacturer specifications and company
requirements Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
PC11. create conditions to ensure that required concentration of fumigant is retained
for required period within fumigation enclosure, according to manufacturer
specifications and company requirements Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
Identify type and
method of
To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC12. identify and study the type of organisms present at the worksite
PC13. select type of fumigant and fumigation method to suit types of organisms and
work site such as:
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Prepare worksite for fumigation
use methyl bromide if there is a heavy infestation of grain mites
use phosphine in case deep penetration is needed
PC14. select fumigant based on the following characteristics:
volatility of the fumigant and penetration power
effect on seed germination
decomposition time of the fumigant chemical and residues
season of the year, weather and climate
PC15. identify factors preventing completion of work and notify appropriate persons
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of the
company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. code of business conduct
KA2. dress code to be followed
KA3. job responsibilities/duties and standard operating procedures
KA4. procedures for the assessment and preparation of work site for fumigation
KA5. organization sources of information and documentation needed when
organising the assessment and preparation of worksite
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. procedures for selecting equipment and systems
KB2. problems that may occur when assessing and preparing the worksite and
appropriate action to be taken
KB3. customer service policies and procedures
KB4. knowledge on fumigant application equipment, fumigation worksite
requirements, organisms eradicated through fumigation while selecting the
method of fumigation
KB5. how to assess environmental conditions and select appropriate fumigants
KB6. computer records/documentation requirements when determining type and
method of fumigation
KB7. problems that may occur when determining type and method of fumigation
and appropriate action that can be taken to resolve the problems
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. note the information communicated by the supervisor
SA2. note down observations (if any) related to fumigation operations at the
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read and interpret the process required for preparing the worksite for
SA4. read equipment manuals and process documents required to operate
fumigation equipments
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. discuss task lists, schedules and activities with the supervisor
SA6. effectively communicate with team members
SA7. question the supervisor in order to understand the nature of the problem and
to clarify queries Agra Commodity Fumigation Operator 6Months Course
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. analyse critical points in day to day tasks through experience and observation
and identify control measures to solve the issue
SB2. handle issues in case the supervior is not available
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan and prioritize work based on instructions received from the supervisor
SB4. plan to utilise time and equipment’s effectively
SB5. support the supervisor in scheduling tasks for helper(s)
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. understand customer requirements and their priority and respond
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. support supervisor in solving problems by detailing out problems
SB8. discuss the possible solutions with the supervisor for problem solving
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB9. apply domain information about preparing fumigation work site and technical
knowledge about tools and equipment
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. use common sense and make judgments on day to day basis
SB11. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problems
This OS unit is about preparing equipments, fumigants for fumigation and
monitoring the process of fumigation
This unit/task covers the following:
Prepare equipments and fumigants for fumigation
Apply fumigants
Monitor fumigation
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Prepare equipments
and fumigants for
To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC1. select suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) and use it according to
manufacturer specifications and company requirements
PC2. select equipment suitable for the fumigation method
PC3. check calibration and operational effectiveness of equipments
PC4. set up equipment and adjust it to suit operators’ requirements
PC5. transport selected fumigants, calculate and prepare dosages according to
manufacturer specifications, client and company requirements
PC6. advise client about risk of non-target contamination or damage, if required
Apply fumigants To be competent, the individual must be able to:
PC7. seal the structure where fumigation is being carried out using a gas proof sheet
or cover
PC8. treat fumigation enclosure using appropriate fumigation methods
PC9. select the points of application for the fumigant and determine the dosage
rates as specified in the instruction booklet
PC10. apply solid space fumigants in the form of pellets or tablets to the agricultural
commodities in the storage area
PC11. assess amount of fumigant escape to control impact on public health and
PC12. implement emergency response procedures when necessary according to
company and compliance requirements
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Prepare fumigation equipments and monitor fumigation process
Monitor fumigation To be competent, the individual must be able to:
PC13. monitor fumigation work site continuously to prevent unauthorised access and
to maintain safe conditions
PC14. monitor and maintain fumigant concentrations over fumigation exposure
period according to specifications
PC15. maintain integrity of seals throughout the fumigation exposure period
PC16. maintain ongoing assessment of fumigant escape to control impact on public
health and safety
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of
the company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. code of business conduct
KA2. dress code to be followed
KA3. job responsibilities/duties and standard operating procedures
KA4. organizational procedures and guidelines followed for application of fumigants
KA5. workplace procedures and policies for preparing equipments and fumigants for
KA6. workplace procedures and requirements for monitoring fumigation
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. risks involved in work site operations and related precautions to control the
KB2. product knowledge, including manufacturer specifications for equipment and
products being used
KB3. requirements of work site systems and operations for carrying out fumigation
KB4. how to assess application methods suitable for the fumigation work site
KB5. risks of effect of fumigants on public health and environment
KB6. test methods and readings for monitoring fumigant concentrations
KB7. problems that may occur while applying fumigants and monitoring fumigation
and appropriate action that has to be taken
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. note the information communicated by the supervisor
SA2. note down observations (if any) related to application of fumigants
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read and interpret the process required for preparing fumigation equipments
and monitoring
SA4. read equipment manuals and process documents to understand the proces
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. discuss task lists, schedules and activities with the supervisor
SA6. effectively communicate with team members
SA7. question the supervisor in order to understand the nature of the problem and
to clarify queries
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. analyse critical points in day to day tasks through experience and observation
and identify control measures to solve the issue
SB2. handle issues in case the supervisor is not available
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan and prioritize work based on instructions received from the supervisor
SB4. plan to utilise time and equipment’s effectively
SB5. support the supervisor in scheduling tasks for helper(s)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. understand customer requirements and their priority and respond
SB7. understand customer needs and respond accordingly
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. support supervisor in solving problems by detailing out problems
SB9. discuss the possible solutions with the supervisor for problem solving
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. apply domain information about preparing equipments and fumigants for
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. use common sense and make judgments on day to day basis
SB12. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problem
This OS unit is about ventilating fumigation enclosure and restoring work site after
This unit/task covers the following:
Ventilate fumigation enclosure
Restore work site
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Ventilate fumigation
To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC1. establish suitable conditions for ventilation to control risks on public health
and safety according to manufacturer specifications and company
PC2. implement approved method of safe release of fumigant
PC3. ventilate fumigation enclosure to remove fumigant in a safe and controlled
PC4. aerate fumigation enclosure and commodities according to manufacturer
specifications and company requirements
PC5. test fumigation enclosure and commodities for evidence of residual fumigant
PC6. notify client and other appropriate persons of further required risk control
Restore work site To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC7. collect and remove equipment, fumigants and waste according to company
and compliance requirements
PC8. restore work site according to work order, client and company requirements
PC9. remove signage and barriers when work site is available for re-use
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of
the company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. code of business conduct
KA2. dress code to be followed
KA3. job responsibilities/duties and standard operating procedures
KA4. workplace protocols and procedures for ventilating fumigation enclosure and
restoring work site after fumigation
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Ventilate fumigation enclosure and restore work site after
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. equipments and system operations required for restoring work site after
KB2. advantages of ventilating fumigation enclosure in work site
KB3. typical problems that can occur while restoring work site and related
appropriate action that can be taken
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. note the information communicated by the supervisor
SA2. note down observations (if any) related to ventilation of fumigation enclosure
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read and interpret the process required for ventilating and restoring worksite
after fumigation
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. discuss task lists, schedules and activities with the supervisor
SA5. effectively communicate with team members
SA6. question the supervisor in order to understand the nature of the problem and
to clarify queries
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. analyse critical points in day to day tasks through experience and observation
and identify control measures to solve the issue
SB2. handle issues in case the supervisor is not available
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan and prioritize work based on instructions received from the supervisor
SB4. plan to utilise time and equipment’s effectively
SB5. support the supervisor in scheduling tasks for helper(s)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. understand customer requirements and their priority and respond
SB7. understand customer needs and respond accordingly
Problem Solving
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Ventilate fumigation enclosure and restore work site after
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. support supervisor in solving problems by detailing out problems
SB9. discuss the possible solutions with the supervisor for problem solving
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. apply domain information about ventilation and restoration of worksite after
fumigation and requirements to control hazards
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. use common sense and make judgments on day to day basis
SB12. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problem
This OS unit is about maintaining health and safety of self and coworkers at
This unit/task covers the following:
Maintain a clean and efficient workplace
Render appropriate emergency procedures
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Maintain a clean and
efficient workplace
To be competent, the individual must be able to:
PC1. undertake basic safety checks before operation of all machinery and vehicles
and report all potential hazards to the supervisor
PC2. identify work for which protective clothing or equipment is required and
perform those duties in accordance with workplace policy
PC3. read and understand the hazards of use and contamination mentioned on the
labels of pesticides/fumigants, etc.
PC4. assess risks prior to performing manual handling jobs, and work according to
recommended safe practices
PC5. use equipment and materials safely and correctly and return the same to
designated storage when not in use
PC6. dispose off waste safely and correctly in a designated area
PC7. recognize risks to bystanders and take action to reduce risk associated with
jobs in the workplace
PC8. perform work in a manner which minimizes environmental damage and
ensure work instructions for controlling risks are followed closely
PC9. report any accidents, incidents or problems without delay to an appropriate
person and take necessary immediate action to reduce further danger
Render appropriate
To be competent, the individual must be able to:
PC10. follow procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies, including
communicating location and directions for emergency evacuation
PC11. follow emergency procedures to company standard / workplace
PC12. use emergency equipment in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications
and workplace requirements
PC13. provide treatment appropriate to the patient’s injuries in accordance with
recognized first aid techniques
PC14. recover (if practical), clean, inspect/test, refurbish, replace and store the first
aid equipment as appropriate
PC15. report details of first aid administered in accordance with workplace
National Occupational Standard
AGR/N9903 Maintain health and safety at the workplace
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Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of the
company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. personal hygiene and fitness requirements
KA2. general duties under the relevant health and safety legislation
KA3. personal protective equipment to be worn and its care
KA4. correct and safe way to use materials and equipment required for work
KA5. importance of good housekeeping in the workplace
KA6. safe disposal methods for waste
KA7. methods for minimizing environmental damage during work
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. risks to health and safety and the measures to be taken to control those risks
in area of work
KB2. workplace procedures and requirements for the treatment of workplace
KB3. basic emergency first aid procedure
KB4. local emergency services
KB5. importance of reporting accidents, incidents and problems and appropriate
action to be taken
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. mention the data which are required for record keeping purpose
SA2. report problems to the appropriate personnel in a timely manner
SA3. write descriptions and details about incidents in reports
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. read instruction manual for hand tool, equipments and first aid procedures
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. communicate clearly and effectively with others like farmers, concerned
SA6. comprehend information shared by senior people and experts
B. Professional
Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions pertaining to types of tools to be used
SB2. identify need of first aid and render it accordingly
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. schedule daily activities and draw up priorities; allocate start times, estimate
completion time and materials, equipment and assistance required for
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. manage relationships with co-workers and managers
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solutions and take up
optimum / best solutions
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. monitor and maintain the condition of tools and equipment
SB7. assess situation and identify appropriate control measures
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. take responsibility for own work and learnin
This OS unit is about collaborating with team members and working effectively within
Scope This unit /task covers the following:
Carry out interactions with reporting manager
Ensure teamwork and coordination with colleagues
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria \ Skill Set
Carry out interactions
with reporting
To be competent, the user / individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. receive instructions from reporting manager on the work to be carried out
PC2. communicate work done/activities performed to the reporting manager as
PC3. elicit feedback on work done
PC4. rectify actions/procedures based on feedback given
PC5. escalate any issues and concerns to the reporting manager
PC6. participate in discussions with reporting manager when required
Ensure teamwork and
coordination with
To be competent, the user / individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. ensure clear and concise communication with the team and colleagues
PC8. plan work and tasks with team members on a regular basis
PC9. share knowledge of processes, techniques with the team
PC10. treat team members with respect and dignity
PC11. demonstrate responsible and disciplined behaviour
PC12. adhere to the timeliness of work commitments made to fellow colleagues
PC13. inform colleagues in advance if unable to carry out work commitments, citing
reasons for the same
PC14. address work related issues among the team
PC15. participate in team interaction sessions/activities as and when required
PC16. adhere to organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues
PC17. discuss/report any concerns to senior management
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. guidelines laid down by the organization for working in teams
KA2. legislations, standards, policies and procedures applicable to workplace
KA3. code of conduct to be followed when working in teams
KA4. roles and responsibilities as defined by the organization
KA5. authority matrix and the right person to be approached in case of any concerns
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KA6. delivery standards as defined by the organization
B. Technical
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. types of information to be communicated to/exchanged with colleagues
KB2. team problem solving techniques
KB3. effective modes of communication within teams
KB4. importance of effective communication and relationship building
KB5. how to interact with seniors effectively
KB6. best practices on working effectively with colleagues
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. report problems to the appropriate personnel in a timely manner
SA2. communicate effectively with teams in writing
Reading Skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read internal information documents sent by internal teams
SA4. read important guidelines, instructions, rules and regulations
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. effectively communicate with co-workers
SA6. comprehend information shared by experts and senior management
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. identify suitable courses of action to be taken on a day to day basis
Plan and Organize
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan and organize work to meet targets and deadlines
Customer Centricity
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with co-workers and senior management
Problem Solving
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. apply problem solving techniques in different situations
Analytical Thinking
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. assess situations and identify appropriate control measures
Terms & Conditions of Offline Class
Offline Class —(Totally Free Of Cost)
Offline class Its mean you Direct Go to Our Institute and Take admission there, after the admission you have to join direct class
there is a totally free of cost no charge ,, even you will get Rs 50 every day from Government
every day , There Is a three Time Of classes
a) 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
b)12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
c)4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
you can take any time for class regarding your needs , you have to select any one time for regular attending the class
But one thing Must be Remember you have to attain at least 80% of total class, As example if class is 180 days then you have to attain minimum 150 days , other wise your registration will be cancel, and you cant sit on exam and you will also not get certificate
Time and And Share A Registration Number For your Attendance, Which we will provide you after complete admission. When Your 80% Attendance will be Complete then You should attend Assessment or Exam For Certificate And Mark sheet.
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- Need 80% Online Class Attendance By Registration Number
- attend Online Exam and Interview
- You Have To Pay Certificate Currier Charge Rs 2000 (Two thousand Rupees Only)
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This Certificate is valid for All India Government and private both sector and this certificate is also valid 129 Countries of The World, And by this certificate you can Attend All ou interviews And job Section .. Terms & Conditions of Online Class
Online Class Time – 12:00 pm to 01:00pm ( Two Days In a Week ) , If You have No Time at 12: 00 pm then You can see the class before 8:00 pm after that your attendance will be close,
Online Class And Mark sheet Details
Online Class And Mark sheet Details,
All over India GPRS Studio Provide you Free Online Class And Free Certificate..
Online Classes are Totally Free for All Indian, You can Attend Our Online Classes in Youtube Channel GPRS Studio at home by your Phone /Laptop/ Mobile/Computer etc .
Its total 6 Months Class .. Two days In a Week ,