Kankinara Kankinara Trainer Today Class Details Date *Trainer Name *Course Name *Batch Number *Today Total present *Total Absent *Candidate name whos joining date was today but not join *What step you have takenImmediate call the candidateImmediate visit candidate homeContact to GuardianAbsent Candidate name, how many time you call , Absent Reason , when candidate will join the class , *Are you collected all absent candidate letter ? *SelectYesNocandidate name and Reason *There are any Candidate who not submit letter themselves *selectYesNoCandidate name and Reason *Any candidate left the class in Middle ?(maximum one day in a week )SelectYesNoCandidate name and ReasonThere is any candidate who is absent more than 3 days without any letter or any informationSelectYesNocandidates name and ReasonWhat Step You have Taken *send any other student to absent student homeOffice Staff has visited Candidate homeOfficial letter has been Issued ?Today Class Start Time *HoursMinutesAMPMToday class topic? *Theory class duration *HoursMinutesAMPMPractical class duration *HoursMinutesAMPMAny RemarksI Accept *I agree above mention all detail are true and correct , if find any thing wrong then Institute can take any kind of action against meSumbmit